54. The stranger

Adal gave a scold to Aanaye. Aanaye was bit disturbed with possessive behaviour of Adal that was similar as she heard about him in M.town gossips from Neighbour News world. The rumours of his possessive behaviour over his one girlfriend circulated in media for years. She knew Adal on behalf of what the internet world tells her. She never tried to know him closely in these days.

But Adal in the other side got insecured for loosing her. He was feeling embarrass of his behaviour for Aanaye. He even himself didn't know why he was behaving like this for her.

The night passed and in the morning Aanaye's legs were on Adal's leg and hands on his chest.

Adal woke up with Aanaye with this posture. Adal couldn't move a bit. He tried to keep her feet and arms away but Aanaye didn't want to stay apart.

"Aanaye Miss Aanaye, will you get up and move your hands and legs away? Asked Adal."

"They are away, don't blame." Aanaye replied with a sleepy voice.

"Getup Aanaye, you should be up. We are at others home not in ours." Asked Adal to Aanaye to wake her up.

"Adal Kay, let me sleep please." Said Aanaye. "You are always annoying me. Even now in my dreams."

"Okay ... sleep.I am going for break fast." Adal told was to leave when he heard Aanaye saying,

"I am only afraid at dark nights. I sleep alone in my bedroom without Feeha."

"What? she doesn't sleep alone at home even. And acts to kill a polar bear to safe me. Scared girl." thought Adal.

Mrs Durian was making breakfast in the kitchen. Adal went to help towards her.

"May I help you Mrs Durian?" asked Adal.

"Yes, dear if you wish too." Replied Mrs Durian.

"Aanaye must be asleep and angry at your possessive behaviour last night?" Asked Mrs Durian.

"Yes, She is kind of I guess." Replied Adal.

"She is a baby girl. A lovely baby that is innocent but careful." Said Mrs Durian." She was sorry for the broken jug last night and this made me think of her careful innocent behaviour for little things and importance of other's things too. I like this child just like my daughter. She even cares much for you." Said Mrs Durian.

"She is kind of complicated girl." Said Adal.

:Oh never mind ... Girls are at sometimes ... they want their men to understand their hearts." Replied Mrs Durian. "Take this breakfast to her. She will be happy with your care."

"Me ... but ... Okay I will." Adal took the breakfast tray from Mrs Durian's hand and headed towards the room.

"Aanaye, Adal entered the room and saw her still asleep. You aren't up yet." He asked.

Adal got closer to her on bed to wake her up. But she didn't even move. He got more closer to her. There was a fragrance that attracted him to her.

"I am picking you up Aanaye." asked Adal.

Adal picked touched her hand.

"Okay I am up. Going to get fresh." She replied.

Lazily she went to the washroom.

"What kind of sleep you have Aanaye Kay ... that much closed eyes as if you will faint." Adal thought.

Aanaye was not stable even during breakfast and after. Adal was noticing her.

"What is your problem Aanaye. let's go down stairs." Adal said her." You will be fresh."

After the meal they moved downstairs. Aanaye was behind Adal holding his arms.

There was stranger also sitting with Mr and Mrs Durian in the room with cup of tea in hand.

" Hello son." Replied Mr Durian.

"Meet my nephew from your neighbour city Oreland."

"Hello Mr Adal Kay ... He is an international star uncle Durian. He is the most famous humanitarian also. Nice to meet you, Sir. Sorry for the last night misunderstanding." The stranger said.

"She is her wife Aanaye. They both were on honeymoon, and got stuck in an avalanche." Said Mrs Durian.

The stranger moved his hands towards her but Aanaye never shook hand with any male ever. She just saud hello in words.

Adal knew well Aanaye now.

"Adal Kay ... you have a wife ... but you were to marry next month. I heard the news." The stranger replied.

"We kept our marriage private." Replied Adal.

"Ahan Media world, where we can expect anything." Said the stranger rudely.

"And by the way, sorry for the punch last night. Actually you entered the house like a burglar. My wife got afraid." Adal said.

Yes, it was not hard. Replied the man.

Adal, he is Mesi, my nephew. He is also on vacations in nearby village.He reached quite late last night over here because of terrible weather conditions and land sliding nearby. Our connections are cut off. This happens every year when snow falls heavily. And this young man just take cares of us and provide all necessities at our door step." Said Mr Durian.

While Mesi was carefully looking at Aanaye from up to down.

Adal didn't like him watching Aanaye. He tried to divert Mesi's attention by asking him his occupation.

"I am an architect."Said Mesi.

Aanaye was still lazy but holded Adal's arm tightly.

What do you do? Mrs Adal Kay.

Mesi asked Aanaye in order to judge their relation.

"She is a designer. Said Adal."

Oh Alright, I heard that your wife was a model in Paris." Argued the man.

"Really? I didn't know. Said Adal."

"Good choice Sir ... media girls are not reliable ... I guess. I heard much rumours that they just marry an actor for fame." Said the stranger.

"Well Adal, I am not fond of movies and media much. I would have never known that I gave a refuge to a famous star. Said Mr Durian."

"Well I must say Adal, you chose a wonderful wessing ring for your wonderful wife." Said Mrs Durian.

Adal looked at the ring in Annaye's finger.

"Aahm, Thankyou Mrs Durian. I chose it from ... "

Adal was to complete the sentence but Aanaye completed it ...

"From London." Aanaye said but suddenly got quiet amd looked at Adal.

"Yes ..". replied Adal.

Adal was confused with the engagement ring in Aanaye's hand.

Aanaye was confused of Adal's marriage that was to happen next month.

Both were uncomfortably sitting with eachother. Amd wanted to question eachother.

Finally they were alone in the room upstairs.

"Are you engaged?" Asked Adal.

"Are you getting married next month?" asked Aanaye.

Why shall I answer you? Said Adal rudely.

Why shall I answer you? replied Aanaye rudely too.

"Okay fine. Hide yourself from me." Said Adal.

"I am hiding anything from you." Replied Aanaye.

"Then tell ..." Asked Adal.

I am not officially engaged but I have promised to consider him. And on the avalanche incident day, I was to answer him." Cleared Aanaye.

"Okay and you considered him with okay?"

Said Adal.

"Yes, a kind of ... " Replied Adal.

"So you are getting married next month?" Asked Aanaye.

Rudely Adal replied" ... Yes ... we are going to marry when I am back from here."

"Will you leave me back home before marriage?" Asked Aanaye innocently with some unexpected pain in heart.

"After my marriage. I will leave you back home. I want you to attend my marriage." Said Adal with same heartache like Aanaye." I would love to meet your fiance and attend your marriage."

"Hmmm okay, as you like."Said Aanaye.

Both were unaware of the emotions for eachother. They remained quiet for the whole day. They didnt know what they were expecting from each other.

On one side they hated eachother in matter of long term relationship. And on the other side can't bear any other person between them.