66. Adal asks about Raem

Adal went to get fresh after Aanaye made a call to her mommy. He was in deep thoughts about Aanaye.

"I have to leave the girl back at her home. She trusts me. I hope I can come upto the level of her trust."

Adal was happy but he was upset more.

"Aanaye was talking about any name, Raem, I guess, separately from her siblings." Adal thought to himself.

Aanaye was sitting by the fire in the sitting room with Mr tanab.

"Mr Tanab, it is pleasure to meet you." Said Aanaye.

"You are Adal Kay's manager." Asked Aanaye.

"Yes",Ma'm. He replied.

"Does he annoy you?" She asks him.

"No, Ma'm." He replied with a smile.

"It means he annoys only me?" Aanaye talked to herself but was heard by Adal.

"Actually, he loves you Ma'm, that is why he does." Ge replied.

"No, Mr Tanab we are bound till he leaves me back to my country. He has promised me." Tanab got quiet.

"Okay Ma'm".Said Tanab.

"Mr Tanab, I want to create a whatsapp i.d here. But network isn't working I guess." She asked Tanab.

"Ma'm, the internet service will operate in the morning or midnight as per news." Tanab replied.

"Oakland's internet never troubles in even severe weather." Replied Aanaye. " Did you mind my words?"

"No, Ma'm." Replied Tanab.

" Okay, okay, I guess Adal Kay just don't let you speak much." Said Aanaye. He might be saying to you, " Mr Tanab speak only when I ask you ... Do only what I ask you ... I will suspend you from job if you spoke more then two words."

Aanaye laughed and all the room cheered up with her smile that Adal heard her.

"Aanaye can laugh so cheerfully, I never knew." Adal said to himself.

"Okay Mr Adal Kay, don't mind me making fun of your weirdo boss. But truely I can't understand this man.

What of his site should I look." Aanaye said.

"Ma'm try to think about him as your husband and be closer to him." Said Tanab.

"My husband, Oh yes, I guess you are minding about your boss. But anyways nice to see that you are a loyal manager for Adal and good friend of him." Said Aanaye.

"Anyways Mr Tanab, No direct flight goes to Oakland from Labia. I guess." Aanaye tried to confirm.

"No Ma'm." Replied Tanab.

Who was upset of her leaving word. Tanab wanted to say her something but Adal arrived and Tanab remained silent.

"Tanab, Order dinner for us in the room." Said Adal while entering the sitting room.

Aanaye got quiet and serious when Adal entered the room.

"So what were you people talking about? And why silence spread all around the corner?" Asked Adal.

Tanab said, Sir Ma'm was asking about ... Aanaye stopped him with an eye movement. Tanab forgot to complete the sentence.

"She was asking about the internet Sir." Replied Tanab.

"Yes, actually I want to make a video call to my mom and siblings." Said Aanaye.

And what about Raem??? Asked Adal.

Aanaye got paused for few seconds.

Who is Raem? Asked Adal.

"He is my fiance." Said Aanaye.

"Tanab go and order the dinner." Said Adal.

Tanab looked at disturbed face of Adal but couldn't say a word to his boss.

"So Aanaye, tell me about Raem." Asked Adal.

"I have told you already." Replied Aanaye."Nothing else I know about him. I met him four days before meeting you on my vacations at Kashan city. He is my going to be brother-in-law's cousin who has came from abroad. And a day before I met you, we got engaged almost."

"What do you mean by almost?" Asked Adal.

"I wore the ring given by him but didn't said yes, so on the avalanche day, I was to say him yes whilw he was making me learn the ski skill." Said Aanaye.

"Okay, so you will talk to him now? " Asked Adal.

And Aanaye's phone started ringing.

Aanaye saw the number, it's extension was Oakland.

Aanaye picked up the call.

"Hello", Said Aanaye

"Hey Aanaye, It is me Raem." Said Raem on the other side.

"Raem ... ahm ... ",Aanaye got paused for a second and then joyfully spoke, " How are you?"

"Not fine without you." Said Raem.

The voice was heard by Adal clearly.

"Where are you at Labia? I am coming to take you back." Asked Raem.

"No, You donot need. I am coming after few days.

I will inform you." Replied Aanaye.

"I will wait for you, but if you got late ... I will come to take you back. My love, I miss you." Raem said.

"Raem, I will talk to you soon. Take care of yourself and don't worry I am hundred percent fine here." Said Aanaye.

Aanaye shut the phone off and looked at Adal.

"It was Raem. Mom must have given him my number or my younger sister Keeha. Keeha likes him very much and wantef me to marry him. She is the naughty one."

Adal got insecured.

"Let Raem know about your marriage with me." Said Adal.

"I can't he is my brother in law's cousin. My sister's relationship may get disturb. My mom is alone there. I can't manage to hurt her. She won't be able to handle the situation without me. And we are to break this marriage after I get back to Oakland. So we can keeo it to ourself." Said Aanaye.

"What if I donot divorce you? And dont let you go?" Asked Adal seriously.

"I know you are teasing me. You know that I cannot live with your glamour world. We totally belong to different societies and culture. And you have promised to some one else for marriage. I can't walk with so much media exposure." Said Aanaye.

Adal just looked at her seriously that Aanaye's heart sank. Somehow she also wanted him but was afraid of his living style and media world exposure.

She thinks that this relationship can't work longer as Adal Kay has many girlfriends and he may leave her and walk with any other at any time. So she kept her heart away from him.

Adal was not sure himself that will he let her go or stay.