69. At the cottage

The luggage was ready at the door. Adal stood beside and waited for Aanaye.

"What is she doing?" Asked Adal.

"I don't Sir." Replied Tanab.

"Tanab, you go with the luggage, I am coming with her." Said Adal.

Adal knocked at the door." Aanaye" , said Adal.

"Adal Kay, I couldn't tie the knots of my shirt so please wait." Said Aanaye.

Adal got inside and saw her with hands approaching back.

"Ma'm, you could ask for help." Said Adal.

"Let me tie it. This can't be tied until someone does it for you." Said Adal.

Adal went closer to her and tied her knott.

Adal helped her wear coat and cap. Ma"m Aanaye keep yourself warm.

Adal took out the goggles out of his pockets and made her wore. "Okay My baby Aanaye, you are ready to go." Adal said and holded her hands to walk out.

I will miss this place. This all will be a memory for me. Adal Kay, let me take one selfie here.

Adal takes the cell phone from her hand and took one picture with her.

"Happy?" Said Adal," now hurry up."

"But I wanted to have a selfie of me." Adal looked at her.

"Okay Ma'm. Have it." Adal left her hand.

She took a selfie of herself and then of the room and sitting room.

"Done Adal Kay." Said Aanaye.

"Aah finally Ma'm." Said Adal.

Aanaye holded his hand and said," Let's go."

Adal felt the way she holded her hand to go.

The way to cottage was scenic. Aanaye kept on praising the beauty of Kashan city.

"Well, I am the only one in the car who had seen the two sides of Kashan city." She said proudly to Adal.

Finally they reached the Kashan city's famous cottage.

"Wow, it is really a love Adal Kay." Aanaye whispered to Adal.

"You know Adal Kay, I never visit hill station ever. This one is the first time. But last too." Said Aanaye.

"Why last?", asked Adal.

"For the first time I was on vacations and this ended up here. Never again I will go to any place except home. Never know, where life could take me next." Said Aanaye.

"So, don't you consider, your this journey pleasant." Asked Adal.

"It is adventurous Adal Kay." Said Aanaye.

Aanaye didn't understand what Adal wanted to say or may be she was ignoring.

Mr and Mrs Janpi with their daughter Tia stood outside the door and welcomed Adal and Aanaye warmly.

"Mr Adal Kay, we are glad to see you back here."

Said Mrs Janpi.

" We were afraid of loosing you sir. Said Mr Janpi."

"Welcome Sir." Said Tia.

"Thankyou Tia." Said Adal.

All three of them were looking at Aanaye. All of them were surprised to see Adal holding her hand.

"Welcome Ma'm," said Mr and Mrs Janpi to Aanaye.

Aanaye smiled at them and said thankyou.

Tia looked at Tanab with questioning eyes to ask who is she with hands in Adal's hand.

"Mrs Janpi, I need coffee of your hand upstairs", Said Adal.

"Sure Sir",Said Mrs Janpi.

They went upstairs together. Adal took Aanaye with her.

"Aanaye, you can rest here." Said Adal.

"Where are you going to stay?" asked Aanaye.

"Just infront of your room is mine. Now you don't have to bear me anymore in one room." Said Adal.

"Aaa Okay ... no issue I can sleep alone. It is not a big deal. I sleep alone at my home too. I never ask Feeha to sleep in my room." Said Aanaye with confusion.

"Okaaay ... that is cool that you sleep alone at home." Said Adal.

"And for how long do we have to stay here?" Asked Aanaye.

"For about two or three days." Replied Adal.

"And then? I mean your further plan?" Asked Aanaye.

"We will see, after reaching Labia." Said Adal.

Mr Janpi knocked at the door. Adal asked to come in.

"Where shall I put this luggage of Ma'm?" Asked Mr Janpi.

Adal guided Mr Janpi to leave it here. Mr Janpi kept it there and left them.

"Who is this girl with Mr Adal", Tia asked him.

"She is Mr Adal's wife." Ma'm Maaim.

"Is she from Kashan city?" Asked Tia.

"Yes, she is." Said Tanab.

"But her looks are totally different, not of Kashan city. No matters, she is beautiful and simple as I asked you once that will suit Mr Adal. But finally, Adal Sir got married." Said Tia.

Tia informed her mom about Mr Adal's marriage with this beautiful girl.

"I am happy to see her. She is quite innocent lady not like Miss Ana." Said Mrs Janpi.

The lunch was getting ready to be served.

Aanaye stayed in the room and Adal left her there. Aanaye was feeling alone and awkward.

" But things will change, I have to be practical. He will not stay with me." Aanaye talked to herself.

The door knocked and Mrs Janpi came inside with coffee offering Aanaye.

"Ma'm, we are happy to see you as Mr Adal's wife." Said Mrs Janpi happily expressing her joy.

"Thankyou",Aanaye replied with a smile.

"Ma'm Maaim, I am Mrs Janpi, the house keeper of this cottage."

"Oh Nice Mrs Janpi, your cottage is lovely and this coffee is so much relaxing." Said Aanaye.

"Pleasure Ma'm. Please inform me whatever you wanted." Said Mrs Janpi.

"Sure." Replied Aanaye.

"Anything you like to have in lunch and dinner?" Said Mrs Janpi.

"Yes, I would love to have anything of your choice." Said Aanaye.

"Okay Ma'm, as you want." Said Mrs Janpi and left the room.

Aanaye didn't know what to do. So she moved the curtains from window and was amazed to see the stunning view infront of her. She loved the scene of nature. And found Adal lucky to have such a wonderful cottage at peak.

Adal in her room lied down as if something is missing with him. He never ever in his life came to know what he wanted and same was the case with Aanaye.

Both were in the opposite room but didn't bother to share their feelings with each other.

They met at the lunch table and talked about nothing. Both looked at eachother with ignoring eyes.

"Why are they both silent?" Tia asked Tanab.

"Actually they donot know what they want." Replied Tanab.

"They both have what they wanted." Replied Tia.

"Yes, there are boundaries but." Said Tanab.

"Boundaries?? I sometimes never get you? But let me tell you one thing ... I know what I want." Said Tia.

"Really, and what is that?" Asked Tanab.

Tia just gave him a smile and went to the kitchen.

Tanab just noticed her smile. And said to himself," I know what you want."

Aanaye and Adal spent their day in the room. They both were missing each other. The night arrived with darkness. At the bedtime Aanaye was afraid of huge window infront. The curtain were like somebody hiding behind and she felt someone under the bed.

She was all afraid as it was her first night alone ever in her life. She even never stayed alone during day time at home but it was night. The night far off from her homeland without family.

Aanaye couldn't bear it more. So she got out of bed and went outside.

She stood at the door of Adal's room.

"He must be asleep, I shall knock or not?" Said Aanaye to herself.

"She must be afraid. She never slept alone before. I must see her." Adal thought and got out of the bed to see her.

Adal opened the door and saw Aanaye standing infront of him.

"Is everything okay?" Asked Adal.

"No, I am feeling alone and scared. Can I share your bed? " Aanaye said him innocently.

Adal just moved aside and welcomed her as if he was waiting for her and really he was. He himself got addiction of her.