71. An apple pie

Adal called Tanab in his room for some task to do. He was planning to return back to the capital. He asked Tanab to make an arrangement to buy a new house in the most elite sector of the capital. He told him to hire three maids for the new house and Aanaye's service.

"And remember to put a proper security system in the house. Also call the security agency to provide security guards. This all work should be done in just two days." Said Adal.

"In two days? Sir the hiring and all stuff could only me done properly as per your choice until and unless I am there." Tanab tried to clear his situation. " And the house renovation might need time. If it is not up to Ma'm mood. But she is quite simple girl. I guess she would like everything chosen for her by you. She is not picky one like Ma'm Anastasia." Said Tanab.

"Great Mr Tanab, you know Miss Aanaye very well", Adal teased him in a taunting way, "I have been with this lady for two weeks round about but never judged her that much deeply???"

"Oh yes Sir, she is actually really an innocent girl, I ever met in your career. She treats and talks with such a love and care, that we all became fond of her. She is one who annoys you most but you never scold her like to others you do, Said Tanab.

"Okay, Mr Tanab, What are your judgement about me?" Asked Adal.

"Shall I tell you according to Mr Aanaye or according to me?" Adal tried to confirm but realised that he said something not to be told.

"Aahaan ... Miss Aanaye has shared her judgements to you about me? Interesting ... What are those, let me know ..." Said Adal.

"Aah No Sir, she didn't say anything about you." Replied Tanab.

"Tanab, hurry up, tell me ... It's your boss's order." Said Adal.

"Sir, She thinks you are totally annoying, rude and most of the times unpredictable man. And she never come to know what wrong she does always, and you get upset." Said Tanab.

"Oh Miss Aanaye thinks me annoying and rude." Asked Adal.

"She does Sir." Confirmed Adal.

"Anyways do what I askes you to. I don't have time." Said Adal.

"But Sir, Can I ask one question." Replied Tanab.

"Yes ... Tanab ... Did I ever stop you, said Adal."

"Sir, Miss Aanaye will return back to her homeland soon. You make her stay at your parent's place.Then why are you doing that much for her?" Said Tanab.

"Adal in reply just looked at him and said, I don't have answer for this even for myself."

"Sir you are in love with her." Said Tanab.

"No, I am not sure but I want her to stay comfortably until she is here with me." Replied Adal." Anyways you can go."

"Where is Aanaye right now?" Asked Adal.

"She is in the kitchen, was trying to make an apple pie." Replied Tanab.

"Ask her to come with me for a coffee." Asked Adal.

"Okay", Tanab nodded his head and went to call Aanaye.

"Ma'm, Sir wants you to join him for coffee." Tanab asked Aanaye who was busy in kneading dough in the kitchen.

"Aahm Ask him I am kneading dough and it will take me an hour to come, so he can enjoy coffee with you Mr Tanab." Replied busy Aanaye.

Tia and Tanab just looked at Aanaye.

Tanab went upstairs and shared Aanaye's reply with him.

"Did she say so?" Confirmed Adal.

"Yes, she did Sir. So shall I join you?" Asked Adal.

"Tanab do what you are asked to ... don't make me angry." Replied annoyed Adal.

Adal went downstairs and then to the kitchen.

"Mrs Aanaye ..." Adal's sudden voice from back scared her and she threw the flour bucket on Adal.

Tanab who was behind Adal, Mrs Janpi and Tia all just looked Adal with shocked eyes.

"Adal Kay? you just scared me. Why are you not a calm human dude? You have messed up the kitchen. Mrs Janpi and Tia's burden has been increased now." Said Aanaye.

"Ma'm, Sir is also messes up now, I guess your burden is increased now." Said Tanab.

Adal stood just straight and amazed at this girl with no respect for a star.

"Oh Adal Kay, you are messy too now. Now untill you cleans yourself, by then I will be free for the cup of coffee with you." Said Aanaye

Adal holded Aanaye's hand and took her straight to the room then to the washroom.

"Clean me up right now Mrs Aanaye." Said Adal.

"Me, but how I can see you naked?" Asked Aanaye.

"Aanaye do it." Angrily asked Adal.

"Okay, keep calm, I am doing." Said Aanaye.

Aanaye took his shirt off, she ws as much near to him that she can feel his heart beat.

With his heart beat, her heart started beating faster.

She touched her body with a clean cloth and cleared his face with her wet hands.

Aanaye's height reached his chest, and while cleaning her face she had to stand on her toes.

Her forehead was touching his lips. Adal's heart really wanted to hold her and want to make her more closer.

He couldn't control himself and holded her in his arm and pushed her closer.

Aaanye just breath a little louder. Aanaye was shocked with this sudden push.

Adal thought of something and left relieved her.

"I am sorry." Said Adal and turned himself away from her.

Aanaye didn't want to embarrass him and her ownself.

"I think it is done Adal Kay. I ... I should go and bring something for you to wear." Said Aanaye.

Aanaye took out the shirt and handed it to Adal.

"Why I am breathing so fast. I never felt this kind of feeling for Raem. I am ignoring him. But I want Adal around." Aanaye talked to herself with confusion.

Adal was out of the washroom. Aanaye was to leave the room when Adal called her from behind.

"Aanaye ... I am sorry ..." Said Adal, "I didn't mean to."

"Sorry for what?" Asked Aanaye. She tried to make him feel that nothing happened.

"For .. For getting that much closer." Replied Adal.

"Aah I guess, I should start with an apple pie again." Aanaye said and walkes out.

Adal just smiled at her ignorance.