82. Aanaye's birthday and Anastasia's meeting

The next morning, Adal woke up and without waking Aanaye up, he got out of the room.

Aanaye got up and found Adal no where around. This made her disturbed amd she ran out of the room to find him. He was no where to be found. The maid was in the kitchen and laundry.

" Where is Mr Adal Kay?" Aanaye asked with a sinking heart.

"Sir went outside, Ma'm an hour ago for any important task." said the maid in the laundry.

"What task? I mean did he leave any message for me?" Asked Aanaye desperately.

"No, Ma'm. He didn't say anything." Said the maid.

Aanaye thought for a second and asked about Tanab.

"Yes, Tanab ... Mr Tanab, where is he?" Asked Aanaye.

"Ma'm, Mr Tanab was with him. They both went together." Replied the maid.

"Okay, fine." Said Aanaye with a deep heart.

"Ma'm, Where shall I bring your breakfast in the bedroom or keep it in the dinning?" Asked the maid.

"I don't want to have anything right now." Said Aanaye.

"But Ma'm, Mr Tanab asked me to give you breakfast. It was order from Mr Adal." Said the maid.

"I don't want yet." Asked Aanaye.

Aanaye went to her room and got into bed again.

"I don't know where he is? I don't even have his contact number. What an idiot I am. I should keep his contact number with me first. He should have told me first about his number himself." Said Aanaye to herself.

Aanaye's phone bell rang and it was her mom on the phone.

"Mom! I think I should tell her all about what happened." Aanaye picked up the fone and talked to her mom.

"Mom, how are you?" Asked Aanaye. " I miss you dear."

She talked to her daughter with love.

"Mom, I really miss you too alot."

Mom, it was an issue because of which Adal married me. Actually, I was severe ill at Kashan because of which I couldn't share you much. I was lost and lot more incidents happened with me. But Adal took care of me. He protected me and keeping me safe. He married me to protect me. We are together living but we donot have any relationship between us. He gave me his name to protect me and bring me back to you." Aanaye didn't know what to say and how to say, randomly she just spoke up to make her mommy understand her that she din't do anything wrong.

Her mommy knew her daughter well.

"Aanaye, Aanaye ... just stop dear ... I understand what you did and why you did. I donot need any explanations." Her mom assured Aanaye with her trust on her.

Aanaye still had something to say but couldn't continue.

"Yes, Mom". She said in a low voice.

"Is there anything else, you want to share?" Said Mom while looking and Aanaye's confused face.

"No, Mom nothing. Adal has gone out somewhere without waking me up in the morning amd informing me. So I got upset." Said Aanaye.

"Oh Aanaye, your worries are like a wife, for him." Mom looked at her daughter." You are a real wife now Dear."

Aanaye replied, "Stop it Mommy." on mom's tease." I am just confused that he does not leave me unaware. And till I have met him, he was with me."

"He is caring for you, it means. He is a caring husband then." Said Aanaye thoughtfully.

"Agree this Aanaye that he is a good man. And you are lucky that God made you meet him for help." Said Mom thankfully to Aanaye.

"Yes, Mom. You are right. He helped me aa if he knows me." Said Aanaye.

"Where are other devils?" Asked Aanaye.

"I have locked my room just to talk you. Because Keeha and Ibraheem nevee let me talk peacefully." Mom told Aanaye.

Aanaye talked to her mom for am hour maximum. As she switches off her fone, Adal entered the room with a breakfast tray in his hand.

"Aanaye, why didn't you had your breakfast? You were supposed to have your medicine after the breakfast."

Said Adal in a bit rude way.

"Where were you Adal Kay? You left me slept. Atleast you should have told me that you are going somewhere." Aanaye was crossed at his behaviour.

"I was just out for walk?" Said Adal.

"Really in this dress?" Asked Aanaye.

"Well, yes. I never care for my suit ever when I am in mood of any work." Adal replied in hesitation.

"Have your breakfast Aanaye first. It is 12 noon now. Never make me angry in matter of your diet ever and mind it now onwards." Adal ordered her.

"Why are you rude? Infact I should ne on your leave without my notice." Aanaye said.

"Oh so you are feeling alone my sweet wife without me." Said Adal in a teasing mood.

"Why are you such an annoying sometimes? And rude most of the time?" Said Aanaye." You talk to me when you are in mood."

"Do I? My dear wife?" Said Adal.

"I think I should concentrate on my meal rather then messing up with you Mr Adal Kay." Said Aanaye while having her meal.

"You better be. And yes, I am leaving for my job and will meet you in the evening." Said Adal.

"Aanaye randomly questioned him, Where are you upto now and leaving me behind. Take me along you."

Said Aanaye.

"No, I can't take you among people. Anyways a dress designer and hair stylist will come to help you in styling and for wardrobe choosing. Stay beautiful like a wife when I am back home. I want to see you fresh not in pajamas." Adal looked at Aanaye while pointing her dress. And went away towards his closet. And shouted behind," it should be finished."

"No, I won't huuuu huuu ... Aanaye was imitating behind him. He treats me just like a child. He is only thirteen years older then me and behaves like my mom." Aanaye said to herself.

Adal got fresh for his work and Aanaye finished her meal.

While Adal was leaving the room, Aanaye asked him to be back at home on time. Adal gave her a funny glimse and was almost out when the maid came with an news of dress designer and stylists arrival.

"Okay good. I guess Aanaye has a good fashion sense. She will handle it." Adal replied while looking at Aanaye and went for his job.

"Yes, I do have good sense but not like your models ans actresses." Aanaye talked behind.

Aanaye called them in the room. Miss Stanley, was a famous designer. She was there with her all wardrobe in the room.

Aanaye was surprised to see such a long train of dresses entering her room.

"Good afternoon Ma'm. Here are few dresses ordered by Mr Kay for you." Said Miss Stanley.

"They are few dresses?" Aanaye asked with confusion. Anyways let me check your styles Miss Stanley.

:This one is short, i think you should apply frill on its boundary. And this one mmmh you should add a floral look on its sleeves. This is pretty cool but sleeves should be bit long .... .... " And Miss Stanley was noticing the change that Aanaye wanted.

But she was impressed by Aanaye's skill without any degree.

"Ma'm we have a special dress for tonight." Said Mrs Stanley.

Aanaye took the box and opened it.

"Well this one is unique. I liked it just like a barbie." Said Aanaye pleasantly.

The hair stylist and makeup artist was there to get Aanaye ready.

"Ma'm please allow us to enhance your beauty." Aanaye wore the dress and got ready with the help of artists.

"You are looking like a princess Ma'm, more then a star." Said every one.

"Thankyou, you all made me pretty." Said Aanaye warmly.

The maid came and said," Ma'm your car is here."

"Yes, here is call for you." Said another maid.

Aanaye took the call and it was Adal on the call.

"Aanaye, get in the car, the driver will take you to somewhere and wait for me there." Said Adal in a hurry and switched off the call.

Aanaye was confused but moved out to the car.

After an hours drive, Aanaye was at a beach with a luxurious yacht.

"Ma'm this is your destination." Driver got down and opened the door for her.

Aanaye stepped out and searched for Adal. He was standing infront of yacht.

Aanaye went towards him. Adal was shocked to see Aanaye' s shinning beauty like a model.

"You are looking like a star princess Miss Aanaye." Adal forwarded his hand towards her and they both entered the yacht.

"Your boat is beautiful." Said Aanaye

"Thankyou." Said Adal.

There was a birthday cake on a table and beautiful sun set infront.

"It looks like a romantic movie clip Adal Kay. Thanyou for this cake and arrangements." Said Aanaye.

"It was your birthday and you deserve good time with a hero to remember ahead." Said Adal to check her expressions.

Aanaye got down in mood but they spent a good time with cake, candles and dinner.