90. Adal goes to bring Aanaye back

That night Tanab hired the private plane for Adal. All formalities were done by Tanab.

Adal's luggage was loaded in the car and he left for the airport.

At the airport, Adal's car stopped. He was in rush. Adal departed for the Oakland.

Tanab came to Adal," Sir, It will take us five hours to reach at Oakland."

"Okay Tanab. I want to be with her as soon as possible." Replied Adal and looked through the window.

Adal was now satisfied. He knew what he wanted and what made Aanaye upset. He was confirmed that Aanaye loved her and she will forgive her.

Five hours were harder to pass for Adal. But he managed hardly.

The airplane landed in the capital of Oakland. It didn't take much time for them to fulfil formalities there as Adal was well-known superstar.

"Tanab, did you rent the house near Aanaye's home?" Said Adal.

Yes Sir, it is about few minutes drive away from Ma'm Aanaye's place.

"Okay, Fine." Said Adal.

"Finally, I am standing in Oakland near her." Said Adal to himself.

Adal was quite happy. The driver and guide he hired was there out waiting for him.

Adal got into the car and asked Tanab to take him to place where Aanaye lives.

Adal looked around the capital of the Oakland. This is considered world's mosy beautiful capital in the world.

"Truly, I must say, this is the beautiful capital as Miss Aanaye always use to say. It is green, calm and peaceful." Said Tanab.

"That is why that girl was pretty and glowing." Said Adal.

Aanaye was living in one of the beautiful colony of the city. Her house had double storey, with lush green street. Though her house was not that big as of Adal but was beautiful. The road that led to her street was clean with no one around. Adal let his car go nearer to her house so that he could see Aanaye through any window of her house. After ten minutes wait, Tanab asked Adal if they can leave. But Adal kept them stop for half an hour. Finally, Adal saw curtains moving from upper storey's room.

" It must be Aanaye. She loves sitting by the window." Adal said to Tanab.

And truly, it was Aanaye.

"You were right Sir, she is Miss Aanaye. She is sitting alone. I bet, she is waiting for you." Said Tanab.

"Yes, I know." Said Adal.

"So Sir, let's surprise her." Said Tanab.

"Not yet, give her space to think what she needs." Said Adal. "Driver let's go now."

Adal moved to his rented luxurious home at Oakland.

"Tanab, I want you to leave a man at Aanaye's door for her protection and who could inform me about her when I am not around." Adal gave an order to his manager.

"As you say Sir." Said Adal.

Adal reaches his home. It was huge bungalow with beautiful garden and clean atmosphere. The streets and roads around were lush green. It was also not that much far from Aanaye's place.

Adal got fresh. The butler of the house welcomed Adal and directed the other servant to unload tje luggage.

"Good evening Sir Adal Kay,I am your butler here. It is really honour meeting you Sir at Oakland. I am your great fan." The butler showed his converns to Adal like his old dying fan.

Thankyou, Mr butler. Adal was in happy mood. So he gave him smile and walkes around the house to find a perfect room with a huge window.

He found it on the upper portion of the house. Adal asked the male servant to unpavk his luggage in that room.

Adal got fresh and wore his casual attire. He had his coffee with snacks.

"Sir, the man is around Ma'm house now." Said Tanab.

"Okay, that is fine now." Said Adal.

"Get the car ready Tanab. We will be leaving to see Aanaye." Said Adal to Tanab happily. "

The driver drove them to the Aanaye' colony. Adal sat behind, hiding his face and tried to find Aanaye. He saw two girls and a boy coming out of the house for walk but Aanaye was not with them.

"These might be Miss Aanaye's sibling Sir. Tanab tried to get confirmation okay from Adal.

"Yes, Feeha, Keeha and Ibraheem." Said Adal.

"I am even happy to see her siblings Tanab. They gave me her sense." Said Adal.

"This is called Love Sir. Miss Aanaye will be lucky to have you."

"Yes, I am lucky to have her too", Said Adal.

"Get me a flower bouquet Tanab." After a thought Adal stopped Tanab and said, Bring me red roses plant in a beautiful pot", Said Adal.

Adal remembers what Aanaye likes.

Tanab got the red rose plant. Adal sent his driver to keep the pot infront if her gate and give her a bell.

His driver did as he was directed.

On the door bell, Aanaye came out to check. Adal saw her coming out of the house. She looked around to see who rang the bell but found no one but a pot on the ground.

"Oh, who left it?" Aanaye found no one around and went inside.

"Who was out?" Asked Mom.

"No one Mom, just found a pot of flowers." replied Aanaye.

Aanaye went upstairs on the terrace of her house. She kept the pot on side wall and loved the roses.

Adal saw her out but remembered that she might catch cold. But couldn't ask her to move inside.

Aanaye after sometimes went inside into her room. Adal waited for few minutes and then asked the driver to move back home.

Adal was home but left herself with Aanaye. He couldn't resist her and was desperated to hug her.