95. Adal takes Aanaye back forcefully

The family after the dinner met Aanaye and Adal Kay for last time. Aanaye left them at door with Adal. Adal holded her hand while she was saying farewell to her family.

Aanaye didn't utter a word or showed her rudeness to him. She remained calm but sad.

"Tea or coffee Sir?" The butler came to ask the couple."

I think too much caffeine is not good for Aanaye's health so we should go with tea. Adal looked at Aanaye and replied the butler.

"No, I think I will have chocolato ice cream with crushed waffles on them." Adal and his butler both looked at her for her request of an icecream.

Butler looked at Adal for permission and Adal allowed him to bring.

" I am sorry, but I am craving for ice cream and want it as soon as possible." Said Aanaye.

Adal knew why Aanaye wanted it so he didn't stop him for having it.

"Adal Kay, you are nice and perfect man. But I am sorry, I can't adjust in your society." Aanaye tried to excuse him.

"It's okay Aanaye. I understand, you feel I am not worthy for you. I agree. I have no questions further." Said Adal.

Adal's tea and Aanaye's icecream was there.

Aanaye just had an ice cream tub in her hand rather then taking out its scoops in a bowl.

"Aanaye don't have that much or you will get bad throat." Said Adal.

"I won't, but I want. I don't know why but I am upset I think." Said Aanaye.

Tanab knocked at the door to come in.

"Sir, the doctor is here for Ma'm." He said to Adal.

"Okay Tanab. Everything's ready?" Asked Adal in hidden words.

"Yes, Sir." Replied Tanab.

:Aanaye as I am leaving tomorrow so I want a doctor to examine you. So that I am satisfied that you are fine." Said Adal.

Aanaye didn't find it strange. So on his wish, she went downstairs to see the doctor.

The doctor just asked a little questions from Aanaye to relax her mind and after examination he said, " "Ma'm sugar level is down. She need an injection to bring it nack to normal."The doctor acted as Adal Kay asked him to do so.

"But I had enough icecream few minutes ago." Aanaye told him.

"Aaa Aanaye please cooperate with him. I don't want our time to be spoiled." Said Adal.

"But Adal Kay, the name of Injections always faint me." Aanaye explained her motive.

On Adal's insistence she allowed the doctor.

Adal holded her hand and talked him to divert her attention. Suddenly a needle pricked her and she made a light scream.

Aanaye was quiet now and looked at Adal.

"It is done Ma'm. Now you can sleep safely."

Adal made Aanaye to lay down on bed and holded her hand.

"Aanaye, I am sorry. But you are pregnant with our baby and I have to take you back to Labia with me. I can't divorce you." Said Adal.

"What are you saying? I am what? I mean there was nothing between us. I am not going to Labia. You are cheat ...." and Aanaye fainted in Adal's arm.

Adal called Tanab.

"Tanab let's go now before she wakes up." Said Adal.

Okay Sir, the car is ready and Ma'm's passport with real i.d card with visa is ready.

Adal picked Aanaye up in his arms and got into car. They reached the airport and then to Adal's private plane. Adal with Aanaye landed in Labia after five to six hours.

In the morning, Adal called Mrs Shaiqa and informed her with Aanaye's situation. He told her that he can't leave her there with his child. And also he told her that Aanaye was unaware of all this. He promised her that he will keep her safe. And after the delivery, if still she don't want to be with me, he will return her back to Oakland.

Mrs Shaiqa was aware of her daughter's condition and her love for Adal. She was a possessive mom but she also wanted her daughter to be happy.

That day, Mrs Shaiqa called Raem and told her that she loves Adal Kay. Raem told Mrs Shaiqa that he is aware of this truth as Aanaye rejected her proposal the previous day but she also wanted divorce from Adal.

Mrs Shaiqa made an excuse from Raem. Raem loved Aanaye and he wants her happy wherever she lives or go.

Aanaye woke up in the morning, next to Adal in her home at Labia. She was relaxed and wished Adal goodmorning.

She then opens her eyes and sees everything around. "Am I in Labia Adal Kay? Or it is just a dream?" Said Aanaye.

"Adal also woke up, Ma'm you are in Labia at your home with your husband." Adal cleared her. " Relax now, Aanaye. You shouldn't be stressed. Doctor said that."

"Doctor? Yes, last night he injected me? Snd I slept Adal Kay ... This was all your plan to take me back home." Said Aanaye.

"Yes, I am guilty of way that I chose but I couldn't wait for long." Said Adal, but Aanaye was not ready to hear anything from him.

Adal just tried to handle her but Aanaye was very much upset with his this act.

"You brought me to this stage Aanaye. You were demanding for a divorce from me and I had no plans. Also I can't bear you seeing with him and leaving me behind." Said Adal.

Adal Kay, you are enough. I just rejected his proposal that day.

Adal got silent on hearing this from Aanaye. Inside, he was sure that Aanaye does not want him too. He felt glad.