Turning the Tide, part 5/5

POV RadiantHero:

RadiantHero walked under the thick green canopies of trees, his normally shiny amour was covered in brown mud, with his long blue cape dirtied by a layer of dust from a road. He was looking determined, holding his bastard sword, ready to slash any attacker.

The forest around him was quiet except for the sound of rustling leaves under his legs and birds chirping in canopies of trees.

After collecting information in the town, he came to a conclusion, 'Somehow the baron ruling over this territory got into conflict with the elder wyrm living in the mountains close to the town and some chaos wanting players joined that wyrm and are committing crimes all over the barony.'

He hurried his steps, knowing that he had to stop this useless and bloody conflict, 'I will stop this insanity!'