What can go wrong?

The young woman lying on the hot stone floor that was glowing in red light stirred; her long brown hair with few traces of red mixed in was in a mess, sprawled on the stone. She slowly sat up, her joints creaking as if she had slept for days.

Her lids quickly opened, revealing a pair of reptilian eyes glowing in a crimson red light.

She was in a brightly glowing chamber of blazing hot stone, thick vapours were drifting in the air around her, and all of the walls, ceiling and floor were red, glowing in the heat. Her eyes flashed in surprise as she felt only slight heat from the blazing hot stone.

She tried to remember how she got there, but the last thing she remembered was the thick red liquid that she had drank, 'Huh, how long was I out? Am I wyrmkin now?'