The Heart of the Curse, part 2/2

Vesuvius felt like his whole body levitated, submerged in black liquid. Everything around him was dark. A massive neon red orb levitated before him with black oil-like tendrils rotating around it, some of them moving into the infinity depth of the void, vanishing and new ones forming. The time felt slow as if it almost didn't move.

With his innate knowledge, he immediately knew what it was, 'Soul plane, a plane where only souls exist.'

Vesuvius moved his gaze to his body. His dragon body was replaced by a giant dragon of golden flames, lightning, magma, wind and other elements, all flowing and mixing in what should be his body, its size dwarfing the red orb.

Glowing golden strings were split from his body, going down to the void, some brightly shining, with others being dim, lightless strings of gold. He instinctively recognised what they were, 'These should be everyone I transformed with my blood.'