The Storm Egg

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon flew through the snowstorm with a full stomach. Everything was dark, as no light could pass through the impenetrable canopy of clouds and snow.

The snowstorm was running amok. Snow falling from the sky at such an intensity that it looked like it was during an ice age. Lightning was flashing in the clouds, occasionally illuminating the dark snowy plains.

Vesuvius felt more and more admiration towards the wyrm as he originally thought they were just a thunderstorm; now he started to believe that they were even more advanced, 'Maybe they already storm wyrm with the power of all storms or maybe just thunderstorm plus something other.'

The dragon glided through the storm, the winds carrying his building-size body that was throwing its massive shadow over the ground.

A haze of steam and smoke surrounded him as all of the snow around him evaporated.