The Grand Escape, part 1/2

POV Vesuvius:

The whole sky was black, the moon hidden under the pitch-black clouds. Red fire was burning within these clouds, the flickering red light illuminating the vast fields. Occasional lightning struck across the sky, its bright flash temporarily turning everything purple as its blue light mixed with the red light of flames.

The dragon quietly watched as his army marched into the town, carrying black and red banners. The streets were still quiet and abandoned, no one daring to leave their house. The scarred, bald baron stood on his tower, observing it too.

'Now is it done; the town is officially under my rule!' Vesuvius wasn't a fool and didn't consider the town as his until his army finally entered it, so he spent hours waiting to keep the town from trying to do something stupid, like changing their mind and ambushing his army.