The Dracformer

POV Vesuvius:

The enormous black dragon floated above the royal castle, his colossal body hovering above the clouds, hidden from the eyes of the city, throwing its sprawling shadow over the castle and streets.

The next moment, a massive golden circle ignited behind the dragon, glowing and radiating on the background of an inky black night sky shrouded in thick clouds.

Vesuvius finally felt that his evolution towards magic had paid off as he effortlessly guided mana through the huge magical diagram.

The whole diagram was complex, looking like a huge circle with lots of small circles, squares, and triangles chaotically sewn through it.

All of them were inter-connected by lines with randomly sown letters between them.

In its centre was a single unknown, curved rune, each and every line and angle of it screaming with profoundness and knowledge far beyond his.

'I can't even imagine the knowledge needed to create something like this from scratch.'