The Arch-Drake

One week later:

The figure of the dragon in his shrunken form sitting on his golden throne opened his eyes, the bright golden glow illuminating the massive throne chamber built of polished black volcanic stone, the light reflecting within the glossy black surfaces.

He was just sitting there, enjoying the feeling of the gold under him, 'The problem with large dragons is that we need lots of gold just to get comfortable.'

His loyal knight minion patiently kneeled on the glossy floor, "You Majesty, I have brought a drake as you requested!"

"Well done, my minion!" Vesuvius waved his clawed hand, and the ring on his finger glowed in faint red light, and ancient-looking scrolls materialized under his throne, "This shall be your reward! You may find it useful for yourself, or you can sell it."

The dragon stood up from his throne, his tall form towering high above his minion, the shiny crystalline wings on his back radiating with mana flowing through them.