A Tricky Choice, part 2/2

Vesuvius rested with his eyes closed, his imagination drifting straight to the next option. The images ran before his eyes as if he was watching a movie.

A bright golden light lit up in the darkness, revealing a dragon fully covered in cracks of glowing golden and purple magma with pulsing and branching vein-like patterns glowing all over his black body.

The dragon opened his mouth, and a stream of golden fire shot out, the glow of his veins brightening. The flames weren't stopping as they surged out, and everything in their path evaporated, not even a speck of dust remaining untouched.

At the same time, projectiles rained upon the dragon. Crimson-red fireballs, mana bolts, and large glowing arrows smashed into his armor, shining in golden light, only to harmlessly sizzle out.

The golden runes engraved in it pulsed upon each impact.