Efforts on the Both Sides

One year later:

POV Vesuvius:

Bare stone islands floated in the sea of time, easily piercing through the currents as they orbited the giant black dragon. Small pools of magma bubbled on the islands and glowed in the orange, fiery light. A haze of clouds surrounded them and the dragon, slowly spinning as they mixed and intertwined with the streams of time.

The dragon's golden eyes shone brighter and brighter as the invisible energy surged from the islands of stone and lava, tricking into the dragon's body.

'Soon, I will have enough energy to fuel my growth, and then...' Vesuvius could hardly contain his excitement as what used to be a giant dead trap slowly turned into his cocoon and incubator that would fuel his upcoming rapid growth.

A complex magic circuit floated in the sea of the dragon's consciousness while his mind focused on analyzing it.