The Power of Levels

POV The Draconic Knight:

The earth-shattering shrieks and growls pierced through the night, and black and dark shadows descended upon the city from the sky. Dozens of golden eyes shone in the sky.

With a mountain-cutting force, two blades collided, and the entire square exploded with the tiles torn from the ground and the decorative trees uprooted. The glass panes in the windows of the nearby houses shattered and the walls cracked.

Amidst the dust clouds from the impact stood the two knights, their shiny armor without a scratch.

One was tall and monstrous, looking like a bipedal reptilian with wide wings and a long tail on his back. His heavy black armor glowed with the dozens of glowing red runes.

Opposite of him stood the tall player in his armor, which looked forged out of the galaxies with its dark background and shifting patterns of colors that formed colorful spirals of stars, stellar shrouds, and light-devouring darkness.