The Schismatic Heresy

POV ???:

With his head held high and his footsteps purposeful, the man in white robes strode through the dimly lit alleyway flanked by towering black pillars.

As he neared the end of the alley, his pace quickened, and he soon arrived at an open, circular audience chamber on the other side.

'Phh, who would have thought even monsters could build something like this?' he thought to himself.

The chairs formed a half-circle, all vacant except for a single one.

The monstrous sentries in their fully enchanted armor stood below every single pillar. Their glowing eyes constantly lingered upon him, making him flinch in disgust.

'To think that I would have to visit this godless place,' he muttered, but kept his thoughts to himself, knowing it was not yet their turn to be purified.

"Welcome to the Vesuvian Kingdom..." The masked, female-sounding figure on the chair spoke, and her voice echoed through the spacious and mostly empty chamber and the adjacent hallways.