A Visit?

POV The First Thief:

The aged adventurer opened his eyes, the pain in the back of his skull still weakly sending jolts to his neck. The metallic clatter and resonant chimes reverberated throughout the dimly lit chamber as he made a feeble attempt to shift his position, only to discover his extremities securely ensnared by unforgiving restraints, rendering him utterly immobilized.

"Where am I?"

Everything was dark and damp. The stone brick walls and the bars were so close that they made the entire room cramped and claustrophobic.

Heat radiated from every surface, transforming the enclosure into an inferno akin to the depths of hell itself. The searing touch of the scorching walls seeped into his very bones.

The air was thick and suffocating, making breathing a laborious task. As beads of sweat cascaded down his grimy skin, they traced along his neck, saturating his tattered garments,