The Battle of the Four Races, part 1/?

POV Some Demon-worshipping Cultist:

Everything was silent and dark. The black-hooded cultists and massive metal cauldrons stood motionlessly around a deep and dark pit in the ground. It was so deep they couldn't even see to its bottom, only the darkness.

"Begin!" The deep voice of the terrifying beast hidden somewhere in the distance made them move.

'Those beasts... however, to please our dark master, we must cooperate with them.' The cultist, Bob, shuddered while ignoring the reptilian eyes watching his movements from every direction. The beasts were everywhere.

"Pour the blood!" At once, the cultist cut the wooden supports, and the massive cauldrons tilted—the blood of hundreds of butchered animals and the prisoners poured into the pit.

With zeal and excitement, the demon cultists watched, their hands trembling in the excitement as this was what they always wanted to accomplish it.

"Come, we invite you, the dark king!"