Kings Have Arrived

POV Cultist Bob:

The cliff's edge loomed ominously over a churning, furious sea that smashed its waves against the sharp rocks below.

Dark figures, robed in black and stained with fresh blood, formed a grim circle. The air was thick with tension and decayed as if the very atmosphere were rotting.

On the distant horizon, a fortified island bristled with tall towers and formidable walls, a looming sentinel under the waning light of the setting sun.

'Your end is coming!' At the cliff's edge, the man in a decorated demonic mask spread his arms wide, his black robes soaked in blood fluttering in the wind.

Clinks and grunts from soldiers scaling the steep cliffside resounded, but the cultist paid them no mind, knowing they were too late. In the sky, winged figures—immortals—swooped down from the sky, their radiant swords slashing through the air.