Our lord is back!

With just a single thought, the scenery around the dragon changed again—tall concrete skyscrapers stood on the horizon of lush, green plains, and rivers snaked through the seemingly endless greenery, reflecting the sunlight.

During his last visit, there was only concrete, glass, and sand, but now the greenery was everywhere. The change of scenery and the ever-present draconic auras brought a sense of joy to the dragon.

'My minions and kin are still alive and prosperous.'

"Graahh!" Without further delay, he roared, his aura exploding outward with explosive speed, creating waves over the water and the grassy sea. He had announced his return!

He then folded his wings and gently landed on the grass, his powers of gravity dampening the impact. Surveying the land, his gaze pierced far into the distant city.