
He is taking waay to long to get her now" Ria was impatient. Her tone was obviously unhappy. She had always been annoyed by the guy who had gone to get her sister but since there was no other option right now,she had to wait on him. She had spent the night at Tristan's house and they actually ended up sleeping on the same bed. Luckily no steamy action took place but a good night sleep. Though she couldn't deny the fact that she slept too good tonight. To avoid thinking too much about June's situation,a series of questions popped in her brain.

Unanswered questions.

"That day we left your house ,two weeks ago,my dad called and informed me that 'my kidnappers' were arrested ,why weren't you?"

"So you prefer that I was arrested and stayed in jail for two years?"

"No not at all ," that was a really good comeback from him.

"They were arrested but not me of course" as a smirk played on his face ,you could see how proud he was of himself. Ria just rolled her eyes then glared at him to give a proper answer.

"Am not in their team so much, they just used me for my crazily good ideas ,so when they were caught they didn't rat me out, they're really my boys you know" he was really proud of his gang and how loyal they were to each other.

"Ok then proud boy ,how did you guys know that we were abducted?" her question made him stop smiling immediately.

"How about I answer that question some other day" her brows furrowed in confusion as to what would make him not to answer now but she just decided to bear with him.

"Ok" then his expression turned serious in a blink of an eye.

"Why didn't you tell me Ria?"

"Tell you what?" she asked confused.

"Why didn't you tell me about your scary dreams about me ,you know I was really wondering what that place did to you it was just me who scared you away from me" Ria was dumpfounded ,how did he know about all of this about all of this stuff. It was just June that she told unless...

"Yes ,I was listening,that day I was following you and was looking for an appropriate time to approach you and I did but enough about how I found out ,Why didn't you tell me Ria?" He had already answered her unasked question ,he pulled her hand ."Come with me we can't talk somewhere else someone might here us"

"No one can hear us from here" it was a fact but Tristan still took her to his room and she sat on the bed quietly as he leaned against the door looking at her.

"Trust me , someone will here us"

"Ok, I don't know why I was so scare to tell you I guess that I thought when I tell you ,you'd think that am weird" he stared at her.

"Weird? You weird?" he asked. She nodded ,somehow this girl made her laugh sometimes. She was a very bold girl yet she thought so little of herself ,and courageous of course. "I would never think that you of all people are weird,that's obviously something scary so I understand your grievance"

"Is what I saw in my dreams true then?" she asked. Tristan could clearly see the terror in her voice. She even looked, he could understand how gravely scary this was for her. He didn't want to answer all her questions but this one he would have to find the best way to evade it. Of course he didn't enjoy keeping secrets from her.

He nodded and she gasped in terror. Some fear began to show in her eyes,he totally didn't like the look on her face right now. She seemed as if she could run away from him now.

"Do you hate me now" he asked some anger underlying his statement. He didn't want to lash out his anger on her. He knew that his anger was not easily tameable. His fury was unavoidable. She shook her head and stared at him. The hesitancy in that small move was clearly visible. She just lied ,when he said this girl was bold, this was what she meant, she was definitely lying in his face. His anger began to flare out. His eyes had already turned purple.

" Please stop this" her voice broke away as some tears showed in her eyes. Her lips were trembling, the temperature in the room had severly dropped.

This was whole new experience for each other, Tristan had never seen her cry before so he was immediately astonished. He stared at her frozen,must be his stupid temper that caused her to start crying. He walked closer to her and slowly knelt before her. This was a first for Ria too,she had never felt such wariness towards this guy as she was feeling right now. Warning bells kept ringing at the back of her head but she still kept staying there shivered since the temperature had gone incredibly down. She finally spoke and he came and crouched in front of her. His gaze on her softened ,he now looked sorry all over sudden.

"Am sorry Ria, I won't repeat that again, please stop crying" the moment he said that more tears flowed from her eyes. He was confused as hell, what did he do now?

Ria smiled as she looked at him, he looked as frustrated as hell , seems like most men don't know how to handle a crying woman.

"What's so funny?" he asked frustrated.

"You" she said as she wiped away her tears.

"Ooh, you women are very complicated by the way, don't cry again" he said as he wiped her tears. She just smiled .

" I will be going away for some time" he said almost inaudibly. She fell silent for a while , then nodded.

"I'll be back soon though"

"How long?"

"A month"

"Month?" her eyes were wide as saucers.

"Mmmh" he nodded. She agreed sadly before a knock interrupted their good time. She already guessed who that was. She stood up and ran downstairs to see her dear sister.


we'll be taking a break from Trissy and Ria but when we're back it'll be more fun.