Chapter 9

Brittany opened one eye to look at her test script. She could not really see it so she opened her eyes well and her heart was crushed. C- stared back at her. After all that hardwork, this is what I get? she thought and sighed, "Damian's gonna be pissed" she said and Mr. Charles held her shoulder, "You've improved!" "Yeah! Well I still suck" "True! But you've made great progress. Damian is really good, right?" "Yeah he is" she agreed and he handed her a paper, "If you see Damian, give it to him". "Damian didn't come to school today?" "I saw him earlier...but then I didn't see him" Mr. Charles said and she nodded, "I'll give it to him!" she said and took the paper then she left.

She searched the school but did not find Damian. "Did he skip school? Am I bad influence?" she asked herself as she ran to the library. Fortunately, she saw him hunched over a book.

"Damian!" she called out and everyone shushed her, "Sorry. Damian!" she whispered as she walked to him. "Why were you not at phy----" her eyes widened in shock. Sitting there was Damian...with a black eye and few bruises on his face. "What happened?" she asked and he got up, "Why don't you ask your boyfriend?" he said and left.


"Nice pass Jake! Ken, you're slacking off. Get yourself together before the big game!" Coach Connor said and the jocks nodded then they headed to the locker room.

"You still bummed about Maddie?" Jake asked Ken who nodded, "I can't leave without her. Whenever I see her laughing or smiling, I feel bad that I'm not the one making her laugh and whenever she's walking, I feel like----" "Calm down bro! You sound like a love-struck fool!" a redhead with dark blue eyes, Ashton said. "If you've hung out with Maddie, you'll realize that she's worth being a fool for" Ken said and the boys awwed, "That's so cute!" one said.

Suddenly, the door to the locker room opened and Brittany walked in, "Jake!" she yelled and some of the boys screamed. Yes, screamed. Afterall, they were either butt naked or a towel around their waist.

"Hey! Princess, you can't be in here" Ashton said as he held the bag over his dick firmly...but it fell. Brittany's eyes landed on it then she looked at him. His face was red. "Small" she muttered and walked to Jake "What do you mean small? At least it's bigger than your dad's own!" Ashton said and the guys laughed "I bet your dad's own was even smaller and his genes are dominant in you. You can be mistaken for a girl!" she said and the boys oohed while Ashton quickly tied a towel around his waist. "Girl!" some of his teammates taunted "Shut up!"

"What's up? Did you miss me already?" Jake asked and she flung her palm across his face, "You self-conceited bastard!" she yelled angrily. The boys did not ooh, they just watched the drama dumbfounded that a girl had slapped their QB. "Why did you beat up Damian?" she asked "Because he put his arms around you" Jake said, trying to control his anger. "Did I ever complain? And even if I did, we are not dating. So stop acting like my boyfriend!" she yelled and turned to go but Jake said, "You'll eventually come back to me and when you do, I'll be waiting". She turned and glared at him, "If I ever come back to you, just know that I have gone insane and whatever I say to you during that period, I don't mean it" she said and turned to go but then she turned back, "And for the record, Damian's arms around me is more comfortable than your arms around me, you scumbag! If you touch Damian again, I'll make sure you regret coming to this school" she said and spun on her heel and left with much sass.


"Damian, you wanna come over for----" "I have homework" Damian said and he left. Brittany tsked, that bastard, Jake! I should have given him a Super Brittany punch or hand-chop. My hand-chops are my greatest weapon afterall, she thought and sighed, "Well, I should rack up my brain for a good prank to get back at Seth" she said and entered her car then she drove off.


"I can't think of something!" Brittany screamed as she crumpled another paper and threw it into the trashcan. She had been thinking of epic prank ideas to get back at Seth but nothing was working. She had thought about flying monkeys but then she remembered that monkeys don't fly. She thought of flying pigs but she remembered that pigs don't fly. She also thought of dragons spitting out fire on him but she remembered that dragons no longer exists. "Ugh! What is it with me and flying things?" she said and took off her headphones then she looked at her phone. No messages from Damian.

"Jake is so going to pay!" she growled and Lisa opened her door, "I made hot chocolate, you want some?" "Yeah! Can you bring it up to my room?" Brittany asked and Lisa frowned, "I am not your slave young lady. If you want it in your room, get up your butt and get it yourself!" she said and left. Brittany scrunched up her nose and left for the kitchen.

Lisa was watering the mini rose garden in the living room when Brittany was carrying her cup of chocolate upstairs. "No eating in your room young lady" she said "Oh come on!" Brittany said and Lisa gestured towards the dining table.

Brittany reluctantly walked to the dining table and sat down, "Hey dad!" she said and Scott looked at her, "How was your day?" he asked and she nodded, "The same. Boring" "How was your test?" "Good, I guess" "Am I expecting an A?" he asked and she felt bad. She had gotten a C-, but he wasn't going to know that. "No promises there!" she chuckled and Scott smiled then he reached out to touch her head but he stopped halfway. He had made too many mistakes to give her a head pat.

But then Brittany raised her head and it bumped into Scott's hand. They stared at each other a while before Scott ruffled her hair, "You'll do great! Afterall, you studied" he said with a grin and her cheeks flushed. When did we get this close? she thought. He patted her head and got up to see Lisa smiling.

It was her plan. It has always been her plan since father and daughter grew apart after the death of Josie. She wanted them to get closer again and stop having arguments over trivial things.

Scott rolled his eyes and she smiled more. He wasn't watching where he was going so he tripped on the small steps to the living room and fell, his mug breaking and his chocolate spilling.

"Dad!" Brittany said as she rushed to him but then she tripped and fell on him. Lisa ran to them and saw them laughing. "Like father, like daughter I guess" Brittany said and Scott nodded, "A chip of the old block!" he agreed and Lisa shook her head. It wasn't her plan to get them to fall but hey! It worked for her plan. Brittany got up and then she helped him up. They held their backs and groaned, "My back!" they said together and laughed again.

Lisa rolled her eyes, like father like daughter, she thought. "Go lie in your room. I'll get you a hot water bag" she said to Scott who saluted and went off. "What about me? My back hurts!" Brittany said "You did not fall on your back, so why does it hurt?" "Well...I have been sitting for a while so it's somehow stiff" she said as she rubbed her back. "Get it yourself!" Lisa said and went to the kitchen.

"You know you're supposed to be looking after me and not my dad" Brittany said as Lisa handed her a broom and a mop, "Clean the mess" she said. "Now you're bullying me to do your work?" Brittany said and Lisa looked at her, "Just go! I have to get the hot water bag to your dad" "But my back hurts!" Brittany whined. Lisa smiled, "Do it and I'll make you a whole pork pie!" she said and Brittany saluted, "Yes ma'am!" she said and went to clean.

As she cleaned, an idea crossed her mind. She imagined Seth's face to be the floor she was cleaning and then she looked at the chocolate stain on the floor. An evil smirk crept to her. She had the perfect prank.


"Remind me why I always accompany you to do your literally messy work" Maddie asked as Brittany used a spanner to tighten the nut at the base of the tap. "Because you are my best friend and plus we haven't hung out since" Brittany said as she stretched out her hand and Maddie gave her another nut.

They were in Euphorium High School at 7am, dressed in long-sleeved black spandex jumpsuits. Brittany's master plan was to fill the pipe leading to the tap in the hall, with hot chocolate, courtesy of Lisa and her dad's credit card. And when Seth comes for a drink, he'll be splashed and covered in hot chocolate.

"How are we even sure he drinks tap water?" Maddie asked and Brittany shrugged, "He looks like someone who wouldn't care about germs. Besides, I followed him around and found out that he drinks from this tap at twelve noon" she said proudly and Maddie snorted, "Wow. Stalker much?" "I am not a stalker! I was just gathering info about him" "Whatever helps you sleep at night" Maddie said and Brittany stood up and dusted her clothes, "So much dust under there!"

"Okay, how are you sure that someone else won't drink from this tap before twelve?" Maddie asked and Brittany gasped. She had not thought of that. "You did not think of that?" Maddie asked and Brittany nodded slowly. "Think twice before you act Brittany, it's a simple law" Maddie said frustratedly and Brittany pouted, "Well, it will just splash on anyone that drinks from here" "Seth might find out about the whole chocolate thing and he'll know that's it's you since you have already told him that you would prank him" Maddie said and Brittany hit her head, "I'm such a dummy!" "I think that's pretty obvious already".

"Should I cancel the plan and look for something else to do?" Brittany asked and before Maddie could answer, they heard the sound of a door opening. Uh-oh! They had to run. Maddie ran to the classroom where they had entered from, through the open window. Like seriously, who forgets to close the window of their class. Maddie had already jumped through but Brittany had not yet come. "Where is she?" Maddie asked and she saw Brittany running with the tool box. She did a cartwheel to the window and jumped through it.

"Was that cartwheel necessary?" Maddie asked as they strapped their seatbelts on. "It's all part of the spy business darling!" Brittany said and she drove off.


"Verbs are also infinite and----" Mr. Jenkins said then he noticed that Brittany was sleeping on her desk. "Miss Copper!" he shouted and Brittany's eyes opened immediately and she raised her head up but quickly looked down. Her just waking up from sleep was not a pretty sight. "Raise your head" Mr. Jenkins said and her heart thumper faster. Think of something quick, she screamed to herself. "I'm not fully awake now!" she said and Mr. Jenkins raised a brow, "But you're talking. Or do you sleep-talk?"

A thought crossed her mind and she quickly shouted as she pointed outside the window, "Flying unicorn!" Everyone, as foolish as they were-------Even Mr. Jenkins-------rushed to see it. She took advantage of the commotion and ran outside to wash her face.

"That was a close one!" she said as she walked to the tap in the hall. Everywhere was quiet cos it was class time. She was about to turn the tap on when she noticed chocolate on the head of the tap. "Chocolate?" she said and she heard a voice, "What are you doing out here Miss Copper?" Principal Louie Lewis, Brittany thought and gulped.


"Oh my God! That feels fucking good!" the blonde whose Seth's head was between her legs, moaned. He slapped her ass and she moaned more then he drove his fingers into her and she became a moaning mess.

Seth stood up and smirked, "That was good... Stephanie?" he asked and she rolled her eyes, "It's Sandra" "Close enough!" he said and backed away but she held his hand, "I want to taste myself" she said and he flung his hand from hers, "What the fuck does that have to do with me?" he asked and she stood and tried to kiss him but he turned his face, "If you want to taste yourself so bad, why don't you touch yourself and suck on your finger?" he said and walked away. "Fuck you Seth!" she called out "Not gonna happen!" he said.

He felt like throwing up. Guess he shouldn't have had'milk'after drinking chocolate. "I feel like shit!" he groaned and went to the tap. As he was about to turn the tap on, his keys fell and he bent down to pick it then he saw a small butterfly hair clip. Where had he seen it before? Taylor? Sam? Other girls' names he can't remember? Brittany? He looked at it again. It looked like something Brittany would wear. He shrugged and kept it in his pocket-------for unknown reasons-------then he was about to turn on the tap but someone pushed him aside.

"I'm sorry young man, but I must have a drink now" the guy in a grey suit said. He sounded Irish and... responsible? Something was wrong but Seth could not figure out what. He rubbed his fingers together and felt something sticky in between them. He looked at it and saw chocolate, "Shit!" he muttered and looked at the man who was about to turn on the tap. "No don't turn it----" too late! Chocolate sprayed all over the man and his suit. Few drops of chocolate touched Seth, but it wasn't compared to what was on the man in the grey suit.

The principal, Martins ran and saw what had happened. "Mr. Ludwig!" he said and rushed to the man in grey suit, "Sir, are you okay?" he asked and Mr. Ludwig glared at him, "Unacceptable! Preposterous! Disgrace! Shame on you and shame on your school!" Mr. Ludwig said and marched away angrily. Principal Martins looked at Seth and his eyes narrowed. Seth knew he was in trouble.


"Have you lost the ability to speak Miss Copper?" Principal Louie asked and Brittany shook her head, "What are you doing here?" Principal Louie asked again. Brittany gulped. Principal Louie was very strict to both teachers and students. She was kinda lenient with the non-teaching staff. Principal Louie was known for her giving suspensions for the most trivial matters. Brittany knew she had to use tactics to escape.

"I...I could not breath properly, so I came outside for some air" Brittany lied and Principal Louie peered at her. She was also known for being able to tell when one lied. Please believe, please believe, Brittany chanted in her head.

"Okay. Are you better now?" Principal Louie asked and Brittany was shocked out of her mind. Principal Louie did not find out that she was lying. "Yeah!" Brittany smiled and Principal Louie walked to the tap, "Make sure you visit the nurse's office" she said and Brittany nodded.

Brittany's eyes widened as soon as Principal Louie turned on the tap and chocolate sprayed on her and soiled the hall. Her suspicions were right. Seth had used her own prank against her...but how had he known that she was going to chocolate him? But that was not the issue at hand now because Principal Louie was standing in front of her, covered in chocolate and she looked really mad. Her eyes fell on Brittany's hand that was stained with chocolate. Brittany looked at it then she gulped and looked at Principal Louie. Happy death day to me, Brittany thought.


"For the last time, I did not fill the school's water system with chocolate!" Seth said frustratedly to Principal Martins. "And for the last time, I said I don't believe you!" Principal Martins said and Seth rolled his eyes.

"Why should I even believe you?" Principal Martins asked as he sat down on his large swivel chair. "Because I didn't do it" Seth said with an obvious tone "Mr. Williams, you have been in detention almost throughout your senior year. You get into fights with both teachers and students. Some say you're a very promiscuous man" Principal Martins said and he adjusted his glasses, "I hear you also do it female teachers".

Seth resisted the urge to smirk. Was the principal jealous that he was getting all the attention from the female students and teachers? Besides, he had only slept with one the nurse, if she's counted as a teacher.

"I don't how you manage to keep your grades at average level" Principal Martins continued. Seth was surprisingly smart, but he was too lazy to sit at a desk and read. He just managed to understand what the teacher was saying and then he read a little. And no! He did not cheat. He had just suggested it to Brittany for fun.

"You also ditch classes". Seth hardly attended classes...but just because he wanted to see---I mean annoy Brittany, he started coming. "Your point is?" he asked and Principal Martins closed the file he was reading from, "You're basically a bad student, hence I can not believe you when you say you did not cause that chocolate incident". "The hell am I supposed to do about it? It's you that has trust issues, not me" Seth said and Principal sighed, "I'm giving you a month's suspension".

"A month?" Seth asked and Principal Martins nodded and pressed the intercom on his desk, "Kayla, please prepare a suspension letter. I want it before lunch" he said. Seth also had something with Kayla, the principal's secretary. They had not slept together, she had just given him a blow job. Seth was a man whore.

"You can't suspend me for something I didn't do" Seth argued "How do I know if you didn't do it?" Principal Martins asked and Seth frowned, "Because I just told you!" "And I don't believe you!" Principal Martins said and Seth got up angrily, "Fuck this!" "Language Mr. Williams!" Principal Martins smirked and Seth left, making sure he slammed the door on his way out.


"Principal Louie, I swear on the pink tutu I used to do ballet for the first time that I did not do whatever had happened in the hall" Brittany said but Principal Louie was too busy signing the suspension letter for her.

Brittany glanced at what she was signing and her face fell. Suspension? "Principal Louie, I have never been suspended. Don't you think it will affect my application for college? Do you want me to live on the streets after high school?" Brittany asked and Principal Louie handed her the letter, "You should have thought about that before you sabotaged the drinking fountain". "I did not----" "One more lie from your mouth and I'll increase it to five weeks".

"But it's not a lie! I'm being framed here!" "By who?" "Seth Williams!" "Who's that?" "A student from the school across" Brittany said and Principal Louie burst out laughing. That was a first. Principal Louie hardly smiled but here she was laughing so hard. But what was funny? She regained her composure and adjusted her glasses, "Miss Copper, Disnee and Euphorium don't interact. It's one of the unwritten laws of nature" "I don't know why the two schools don't interact, but I'm telling you the truth!"

"Miss Copper, I'm only allowing granting you audience because your dad is the Scott Copper. Trust me, if you were not an important person, I would have pursued you out of my office" "But----" "Miss Copper, I hope you'll use these four weeks to reflect on your actions and when you come back, you'll be more refined" Principal Louie said and relaxed in the recliner. "Now can you go? I have an awful headache because of your nonsense" she said and Brittany stood up and left the office slowly.

As soon as she got out of the office, it occured to her that four weeks were a month. She looked at the letter and saw where Principal Louie had typed'I hope this one month will...'A month?! she thought and her heart sank. "Dad's gonna kill me".