Elder Poison

"Ah, no, where is the exit option! What is wrong with this game? Just let me out of this damn game" Paul shouted loudly even Demons heard his voice, who were far from him

"Game?" those demons were kind of shocked because Paul spoke demons' language without knowing.

Paul looked at them and his expression was not good at all, he has a very weak physique, he can't even run 100 meters without taking a break! He went to many hospitals and even did many check-ups but the result was the same, he was more healthier than a healthy person, he had no problem at all! But his body is too weak and sometimes he falls unconscious without knowing!

"Hello, Demons! I'm not a human" Paul said with a smile, even though he was scared inside his face had a calm expression

"You're not human?" Those demons were kind of shocked when they heard him speaking their language, humans can also speak their language but not fluent as Paul

"So, release me from here," Paul said with a smile,

"No, we need to give you to the Elder," a demon said and Paul's face darken, he thought he can trick them…

"I'm also a demon! Its just…" he stopped talking as he saw one demon come to him running

"What! Ahh" Paul got scared of the sudden change, that demon came to him and snuffed,

"You are a human, let's take him to the elder" that demon confirmed that Paul was a human,

"I once saw a human, so I know how they smell, you have the same smell as them, you may trick me but you can't trick my nose" that demon said proudly while pointing its thumb finger to its nose

"Damn" Paul doesn't know what to do now, he accepted his fate fast,

"I heard demons eat humans, will you guys eat me?" Paul asked

"I also heard demons used to eat humans, but not now, humans are way too rare to even see, how can we eat them?" that demon said with tsk

"Please, leave me alone, I will go and live in that mountain and will never come here again," Paul said, his acting skill was top notch! But he doesn't know one thing…

"No, we will go to the sect," that demon said and picked him, Paul could only struggle in that net, while two demons carrying,

Paul closed his eyes tight, and hoping some miracle happens… "Yeah! Character Status" Paul said and nothing happened, "I think it was the thing…we need to say Character Status, and our details would appear…" he thought

"Character Stats? Character Statistics? Fuk damn it, that is this…wait" he looked to his left hand he crushed that Talisman. He felt there was some type of energy in it,

"Maybe I can trigger it with this?" he said

"Silent human! What the hell you're talking to yourself!" a demon said but Paul somehow made it! He moved his left hand both hands came in front of him and he tried to feel the energy in his left hand, and suddenly a transparent blue panel appeared in front of him,

"Finally! I can leave" he said happily,

"Yes," Paul said

"Character Status," Paul said and another big panel appeared, showed his stats

— Player's Attribute Panel

Name: [Empty??] (Human)

Cultivation: None

Title: None

Bloodline: None

Heritage: None

Physique: None

Physical Strength: 2

Mental Strength: 8

Soul Strength: 32

Luck: 2

Intelligence: 369 IQ

Physical Defense: 1

Mental Defenses: 6

Techniques: None

"Wait, I still not set my name? I think this name matches me will" Paul said with a smile

"Set (Your Dad, Paul)" Paul said with a smile, and he was not a bit worried for his information to leak out even if they search his name, because he knew, there are so many people who have the same name as him! Why all that, he knows 20 guys who have the same name as him. And why (Your Dad)? Because this is a game, anyone can do anything! Nothing matters,

"Hmm" he started to look for any other options after setting his name, like is there any exit option?

"Looks like something is wrong, I need to be calm and think about it, there is no way one can be trapped in a game," Paul said to himself and became calm,

"We reached the sect" that demon said

"Huh?" Paul's calm expression broken apart, he doesn't know what they are going to do to him! This is just so real! Not like a game! He looked in the direction they were walking and saw a huge gate which was almost 30 feet in height! And 20 feet width!

Paul gulped, this is scary!

"We are here, open the gates!" one demon shouted as they reached the huge gate,

And the gate opened slowly

After opening a little those demons entered from the gap,

"What did you hunt?" another demon which only have one hone on his left came to them, it seems he should take a note of all people hunts

"We caught a human!" that demon said with a smile

"Human?" that demon still not noticed Paul yet, but when they said 'human' he looked at Paul,

"Wow, it's indeed human! It's been so long since I saw a human!" That demon said with a smile and looked at Paul as he was about it eat him!

"Yes, will go and hand him our to the Elder" demon said

"Which elder?"

"Elder Poison"

"Oh, good good, go now," that demon said with a smile

Paul got a bad feeling about this…Poison…? He is going to become a lab rat?

Those demons took him away and entered the lawless land!

Those demons walked to a building that was already ready to collapse, "Elder, we are Low-Rank demons, and when he was hunting we found a human! A few years ago I heard Elder want a human, so I brought it here"

After he said that, the door opened and a demon who was having only one horn in the middle of his forehead came out, his eyes were red! Not like these demons…

"Hmm, good! You three will receive a cup of white tiger blood as a reward!" that demon said a smile as it looked at Paul

"Thank you elder!" those demons became very happy when they heard him giving White Tiger blood!

"Release him and leave" he ordered

"Yes yes," those demons threw him on the ground and took the net off from him,

"We will take our leave," they said and started to walk away

Paul was still on the ground refusing to stand up, he is sure now, he is going to become a lab rat by this demon!

"Come in, or else I will use some force" that demon said and started to go back in, and Paul mind was trying to pick an option and finally he decided to go in, it's not like he got any other chose

That demon took him into his house,

"Drink this" that demon gave him a glass of milk? It was pure white

Paul hesitated a little…he knew this is poison, but took it after seeing that demon's red eyes, he was sure if he didn't or even drink that now, something bad will happen so he drank that in a single gulp, it was sweet as he drunk some horny!

A panel appeared in front of Paul

"Poison?!!?" Paul was shocked to the core, he thought this will happen and it did!