Primeval God Rungu!

Paul and that demon came to the top of the mountain.

"Haff" Paul took a deep breath

"This feels good man," Paul said with a smile even he got tired, he felt good because his real body would not allow him to do things like this,

"What feels good?" that demon asked, they did nothing so why is he feeling good?

"Nothing, let's start our training first," Paul said, he couldn't explain his feelings to the demon.

"Okay, but I want to explain a few things before we start," the demon said

"Again? What is it about this time?" Paul asked

"It's about Gods and Humans," the Demon said before they only talked about demons

"Sigh, okay", Paul replied. These NPCs always seem to have a story to tell, but hearing theirs might be a good idea. He would gain some insight.

"Many Trillions of years ago Gods and Demons started being born, countless of Gods and Demons, their parents were called Heaven and Earth! They were born natural and powerful at the same time! One can create and destroy the world with just a thought! Those were called Primeval Gods, and Chasm Demons, do you understand?" Demon asked Paul and he nodded.

"Then after some Trillions of years, humans were born, but they were not blessed with anything, they were the weakest creatures in the whole Heavens at time. The one who created them was one of the Primeval Gods, Rungu, he was the mightiest of all gods, he once said "Humans are one of the beautiful creatures I have ever created!" but humans do not give up! They begged Rungu! They also wanted to get stronger! But Rungu refused because he had some restrictions too, humans have very little longevity, seven hundred to nine hundred years, and it was only decreasing. Every generation begged Rungu, after begging for some Billions of years Rungu decided to give them what they always wanted, but that cost him his life! He was dead as a result, as the Mightiest God was dead, the whole Nothingness started to take form, and 18 universes were born, Humans can cultivate now! As a result, they started cultivation! However, it was not that easy as they thought! They couldn't even reach 1% of the strength of the Gods, yet they still wanted to become immortals and gods. So then the Ancient Humans came to a point where they tried to imitate the Gods and Immortals!! This is where the real monsters are born! Rungu Physique was the most powerful one of all Primeval Gods! They imitate that technique and they succeed in it! However, the heavens were not in their favor, so they were put through so many trials! If one human wants to become an Immortal or a God they need to pay a high prize, many humans become Half step gods and Demi-Gods, but there was only one man who reached the True God and even surpassed everything in his way, he even sealed us here! His name was Buddha!" that demon said, Paul heard it and was shocked to the core. This was too much fantasy, he felt this was so hard to believe! Even if it was just a story of a game!

Paul took a deep breath and nodded,

"So? How I'm planning to cultivate now?" he asked

"I am still explaining, I was born, I was a normal low-rank demon, but I was very interested in things, I researched a lot, thousands of years hundreds of thousands of years, I used to test everything and I even Devoured a Mid Rank Demon and became a Chasm Demon! However my interest in new things was never wanted, I was not much into killing like I was a special demon, when I found out about humans I researched everything about them and even know more about humans better than the humans themselves! But because of Buddha's sudden attack, everything changed, but I didn't lose my hope, I created a most deadly technique *Nine Heavens Demon Devouring* this was not only useful for devouring demons, it is useful for devouring the heavens itself, now, the thing I'm going to teach you is how to sense Qi and absorb them, next I will teach you a body refining technique which is known as *Rungu Physique Refining* you humans are God made being so it will be hard to become an immortal but that's not impossible! With this technique your body will reach a new height of limits!" the Demon said

Paul again took a deep breath

"Now release your stress and relax your muscles, sit in a lotus position," the demon said, Paul smiled, now it's getting into the action! He did as the demon said, he sat on the rock in a lotus position

"Take a deep breath and empty your mind, listen to this, the human's realms start like this, Huotian, Xiantian, Jade White-Gold Core, Void Main, Fusion, True Ethereal Immortal, that's enough for now!

Houtian realm is just for mortals and animals, they are born like that, but after absorbing Qi and reaching the Three Inch Opening Realm in the Huotian realm you can have a chance to enter the Xiantian realm!

The Xiantian realm is something like the first step to immortality, their life span will increase by 700 years! And they can control nature's powers after reaching the realm, this was the realm that made humans weak! The beings which are born in the Xiantian realm have no difficulty but Humans born in the Huatian realm, but beings like me a Demon, I was born as Xiantian being! And yeah, in this realm even if they lose an arm or anything in the body, they can grow it back!

Next is the Jade White-Gold Core, in this realm the Qi which they stored inside the Dantian starts to compress and turn into a Jade-like round ball that will be in While-Gold color! The White-Gold ball/Dan will be filled with gravity and always be flouting in your Dantian void! This is like a birth of a new universe! In this realm, their power will be doubled, and cultivation speed will be increased by leaps and bounds! Etc etc"

"That's enough for now," Paul said and the Demon stopped and looked at him

"I'm not even in the Huotian realm yet, so why learn all at the same time? First, teach me how to absorb Qi" Paul said in a calm voice

"Close your eyes, and take slow breaths, try to think there is something in the air and your trying to absorb it into your body," Demon said slowly and Paul was calm and silent. He could hear the wind, even his heartbeat! He started to do as the demon said, he took some breaths thinking there is something in the air, after a minute, he can really feel something in the air! He tried to breathe it in with his nose. And it entered his body!