Who hates it the most?

Bailihong makeup checked the physical condition. As early as five years old, she was already judged to be a waste material, and Dantian was destroyed.

However, after her exploration, she found that her broken Dan Tian did not know when it had been repaired.

Although I don't know what the reason is, it is a great thing for her.

Only by improving her training as soon as possible can she change this passive situation.

I believe that after the events of today, Baili Yuyan and Xuanyuan will not come to her trouble in a short time.

However, just as the red makeup was ready to be practiced, a sudden and tender voice was introduced into her ear. "This Xuanyuan is really disgusting!"

"I see that the hundred-mile jade is even more shameless!" Another slightly sharp voice followed.

The inexplicable voice made the red makeup of the hundred miles full of shackles. There was no other person besides her in the whole house. Where did the two guys who spoke come from?

"who are you?"

The brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance was raised, and the clear and careful look around.

However, the question of the hundred-mile red makeup is like no one to answer, because the two guys have been so angry that they can't stop seeing her.

"I said Xuanyuan is more disgusting!"

"I said that Bai Li Yu Yan is more annoying!"

"Xuanyuan hates!"

"Hundreds of jealousy hate!"

The red makeup of Baili improved the voice and interrupted the quarrel between the two guys. "Don't quarrel! The two guys hate it!"



The two guys snorted with dissatisfaction, and this stopped the quarrel.

"Who are you? Give me out!"

For a long while, the delicate and tender voice is full of spoiled taste, dissatisfied: "Master, you are so fierce!"

"That is, you don't let people out, how come people come out?" Another voice rang.

The red-brown makeup reveals the color of doubt, "Master? Let you out?"



"Where are you?" asked Bailihong makeup.

"We are in the ring of chaos in the hands of the master!"

Next, the line of sight of the red makeup immediately condensed on the vintage ring on the hand.

She just because this ring will pass, the original ring is called the ring of chaos!

"Master, you can enter the inner space with the spiritual connection to the ring of chaos."

Hearing the words, the hundred-mile red makeup was moved, and a spirit was drawn to the ring of chaos.

Then, she only felt that the spirit was shocked and she entered a new space.

In the line of sight, a huge palace of black and white and two colors intertwined, and a sacred and powerful atmosphere permeated.

Heavy, vicissitudes, solemn, solemn, people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

The sleek temple reflects the shape of a hundred-mile-red makeup, standing in front of such a magnificent palace, she is so powerless and small.

The black-and-white phoenix phoenix is ​​amazed, and the red-brown makeup swears: "Is this the world in the ring of chaos? It is amazing!"

All along, she only knows that the Qiankun bag is a self-contained space and can be used for storage. However, she never knew that a piece of jewelry could have such a huge space!


The heavy door slowly opened, as if it had never been opened for thousands of years, it was inexplicable.

Baili red makeup slowly entered into it, only to see a huge main hall appeared in front of her!