Xuanyuan's temptation

"Girl, can you open this hospital only by yourself?"

Ji Wenbin looked at the red makeup in surprise, and the girl was too young.

Even if the medical clinic is opened, I am afraid that there is no business. After all, this age is too unconvincing.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, and the fascinating radiance of the pretty face was flowing. "Yes, I don't have to worry about business, but I didn't know much about the Imperial City when I first came. I hope the treasurer can help me introduce it."

"In the future, the medicines I need for my god's hospital will be purchased from you, how?"

Hearing, Ji Wenbin nodded again and again. "No problem! I happen to know that a medical hall is being sold. If the red makeup girl puts the medical institution down, it will save a lot of trouble."

The bright red makeup shines brightly. "That is natural."

If she is in the store, she will have to worry about the decoration. If she directly puts down a medical hall, the decoration can save some steps!

"If you are interested, I will take you to see how?" Ji Wenbin smiled.

"That would thank the treasurer."


Under the leadership of Ji Wenbin, Baili Red Makeup came to the medical museum that was being sold. After knowing that Baili Red Makeup was coming to the medical hall, the attitude of the old doctor was obviously enthusiastic.

The medical center in front of you is not big, but the layout is elegant and clear at a glance. It is very comfortable.

"My location is very good, the girl happens to open the medical hall. If you put it down, some old guests will continue to visit here." The old doctor introduced.

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, she was very satisfied with this place, opened a dozen years of old medical museum, and suddenly had a certain position in the Imperial City.

Even if the old doctor left, many people will still habitually come here, but with her medical skills, she is not worried about the source of the problem.

Ji Wenbin apparently had a close relationship with the old doctor. With his help, Bailihong makeup successfully slid the entire medical hall with the price of three hundred gold coins.

Then, Bailihong makeup returned to the generals after arranging some renovations. If the progress is fast enough, the seven-day Shenfangfang can be opened!

Cultivation is the most important thing in the world of red makeup. As soon as she returns, she puts all her energy into cultivation.

The royal family will hold a hunting every other year, and now only three months left, she will shine in the three-month hunting competition!

However, it was not long before the Baili red makeup was just cultivated. Xiaohei hurriedly rushed in from outside the house. "Master, Baili Yuyan and Xuanyuan are coming!"

The red makeup of the hundred miles of red light, the two guys suddenly come to him will never have a good thing!

Quickly and easily accommodated, the red makeup of the hundred miles restored the appearance of the yellow skin and thinness of the past.


It was the opening of the door with a kick, and the already swaying door was broken directly under the support of this foot!

"Who is it?" Baili red makeup pretend not to know, the pretty face climbed the color of tension.

Xuanyuan looked at the ugly and ugly red makeup, and the suspicion of his heart was completely dissipated.

This guy is clearly a blind man. How could it be the red makeup that he encountered on the street that day?

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Baili Yuyan also looked at Xuanyuan doubtfully. I thought that Xuanyuan came to look for her today. I didn't want to come to the Yalong Pavilion with her. Didn't the Royal Highness still have a thought on the red makeup. Not?