Pang Tangping apologizes

The bloated face is already gloomy, facing the eyes of everyone, Pang Tangping has no doubt that if he does not apologize today, he can not stand out of the East Palace.


Pang Tangping squeezed out three words from his teeth.

Baili red makeup raised an eyebrow and wondered: "What do you say? The voice is so small, how do we hear it clearly?"

"Red makeup, don't be too much!"

Pang Tangping couldn't help but burst out. He was so sought after on weekdays that he was so forced to be so unseen by such a little-known little girl!

However, the outbreak of Pang Tangping did not wait for the export of Baili red makeup, and Ning Hong's middle-class people had already been **** for tat.

"Pang Tangping, if you don't apologize today, I promise you to go out to the East Palace!"

The power of Ning Hongzhong broke out. It was because of the illness of the Prince that he was swallowed up. He was afraid that he would go out of Pang Tangping and let the Prince have less chance of healing.

Now that Pang Tangping can't cure the Prince, he is not a hospital doctor who can provoke it!

Pang Tangping is still biting his mouth and refuses to let go. He understands that his reputation has been completely finished after today!

Upon seeing it, Ning Hongzhong did not waste time. He waved his hand and directly recruited the guards. He directly gave Pangtang a safe and troubled crime and prepared to put him in the prison!

Seeing this scene, Pang Tangping began to be afraid. Once he was locked in the cell, it would be called every day, not called the land!

"Wait!" Pang Tangping said quickly.

Ning Hongzhong's right hand was slightly stunned, and his eyes looked at Pang Tangping indifferently.

"I apologize!" Pang Tangping confessed that when he said this, his whole person would be like a deflated ball, and he would no longer be arrogant and proud.

Ning Hongzhong waved his hand and signaled the guards to retreat.

"I'm sorry!" Pang Tangping shouted in a shy voice.

After that, he was no longer willing to stay here for a while and walked quickly toward the outside.

Seeing that Pang Tangping left, Ning Hongzhong did not stop. He believed that this guy would never dare to come to the hospital to scatter in the future.

"Red makeup girl, you can rest assured. I will send people to stare at Pang Tangping, and I will not let him rely on the bet." Ning Hongzhong's voice is gentle. "At that time, I will send people to send the 100,000 gold coins to the God Medical Square."

"That would thank the seniors." Baili red makeup smile, Ning Hongzhong's proposal has saved her a lot of trouble.

After that, it was naturally a congratulatory voice. Everyone wanted to be able to get close to the red makeup, but he was the doctor who mastered the acupuncture.

If she can learn one or two from her, their identity can be changed!

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm of the crowd, Baili Red Makeup left the Donggong for a reason, she is not used to such a scene.

Out of the East Palace, the mouth of the red lips made a smile. "Today's harvest is really good, and there are more than 100,000 gold coins!"

As long as the 200,000 gold coins are taken, she does not need to worry about her cultivation resources in a short time!

It is not far from the days of royal hunting, she must upgrade as soon as possible.

"Master wise!" Xiaobai praised, did not expect to make money so easy!

A hundred miles of red makeup laughed, "Go! Today I will take you to eat spicy and spicy!"

In the next two days, Ning Hongzhong has been feeding Xuanyuan according to the instructions of Baili Red Makeup, and Xuanyuan's condition has gradually improved, and the pustules have gradually shrunk until they disappear, and finally they have returned a life!