
Berry Zhentao frowned, the emperor's queen has come, and Baili red makeup dare to be late!

Baili Xuan's expression is puzzled. "I don't know, I'm afraid I'm not willing to come."

"Noisy!" Baili Zhentao was so angry that "the imperial life is difficult, why is she not coming when she wants to come?"

Today, I chose the Prince, and the red makeup is the most concerned one. If it is not related to her, no one will find it.

Almost everyone is looking for a hundred miles of red makeup. Once the emperor asks, isn't that finished?

Sure enough, when the eternal glory broke out, Li Chengyu asked: "General Baili, why didn't you see the red makeup today?"

The relationship between Li Chenghao and Baili Zhentao has always been unswerving. Today is a great opportunity to humiliate Baili Zhentao. He naturally will not let go.

Bai Li Zhen Tao's face sinks, this Li Chengzhen just likes nothing to find things!

Taking advantage of the ugly face of a hundred miles, Li Chenghao's face is even more smiling. "Hundreds of red makeup should not come today?"

Both Baili Zhentao and Li Chengyu are high-ranking ministers, so many people care when they talk.

Speaking of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone has looked for it in the Imperial Garden. So far, they have not seen the red makeup at all!

Suddenly, the noisy royal garden was miraculously quiet.

Everyone looked at the two figures that came slowly from a distance, and the eyes were full of surprises and doubts.

I saw Emperor Bei's wearing a light golden robes, and the beautiful face of the gods smirked the smirk of the sorrowful, light-hearted atmosphere, which was like a breeze in the forest. People are infinitely thinking.

Even in a wheelchair, his back is still straight, and the noble breath from his bones is not lost to anyone present.

From the moment that appeared, it seemed to radiate infinite brilliance, attracting the attention of everyone.

However, what is even more amazing is the white figure next to the emperor.

The woman wore a white coat and outlined the shape of the bump. The three thousand green silks were rolled up at random, revealing the fun and the free and easy.

The beauty of the face that is not applied to the powder is exquisite, the eyebrows are like green feathers, the muscles are like white snow, the waist is like a bundle of flowers, and a pair of glass-like phoenixes are shining with brilliance.

Even standing beside the first beautiful man of the Imperial City, she is still in no way inferior.

People can't help but sigh, a beautiful and beautiful city!

All along, everyone has lamented the superb appearance of Emperor Beibei, I am afraid that no woman can compare with it, and I never thought that there would be one now!

"Red makeup? Isn't that a red makeup doctor?"

I don't know who is the first to exclaim, everyone's eyes have solidified in the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

The God's Medical Square is now famous, and no one in the entire Imperial City does not know the name of the God's Medical Square.

This look, everyone has confirmed that this woman is a red makeup doctor no doubt!

However, how can red makeup come with Emperor Beibei? The most important thing is... How can red makeup participate in today's night banquet?

Baili Yuyan stunned the audience with a hundred-mile red makeup, and the light of hate was emerging in her eyes.

If it weren't for this woman, she wouldn't fall into the realm of today!

All of this is thanks to Bai Baili's red makeup. Now, this woman dares to dare to appear in the draft banquet?

Xuanyuan also glared at the red makeup, and he did not expect to see the red makeup on this occasion.