CHAPTER ONE:Say Hi To Gram's,Hubby.

"Marry me,Kai"

Tiana wouldn't exactly say that she was surprised about what was happening,yeah,she saw that coming but  Jordan knew better than to disgrace himself like this.

He doesn't even know her real name, talkmore of knowing who she was was to do all these,such a dreamer?

Looking into the desperate and pleading eyes of Jordan,who she won't lie,it  was worthwhile getting to know him,yeah,he was such a sweet loving gentleman that every girl would love to spend the rest of their lives with.

Every girls.

Except her.

Tiana Hamilton.

"What should i do young Miss?"Her assistant,Kai, asked when she noticed the disapproving look on the young lady's face  to know that this was all a bad idea.

A heartbreak was headed Jordan's way, because the irritated look on Tiana's face as everyone who was present in the hotel left everything they were doing to support the  couples with cheers, especially at Tiana  to accept the young lad's proposal.


Tiana raised her hand at Kai in a signal to not  do anything yet, because she was  loving every bit of this show,although she could tell he was about to embarrass himself further for putting up a fake show.

Well,a wakeup call to let him and the entire people who were urging  her to accept his proposal,about who exactly  was gracing their territory won't hurt.

"What are you doing?"She mouthed to Jordan,who ignored her  question which he got but stupidly went ahead with a boring confession.

"Ever since you came into my life,you have been the most amazing thing that one could…"

And long the confession went,which Tiana could have bashed his head hard against the table, had it been she wasn't in a good mood before all these started.

But what he said next, did add to her frustration which was nothing you can ever see in the young heiress.


She didn't like to be stressed out and to repeat herself, but Jordan was not helping matters at all,or trying to save his ass  even when she knew what all this was all about and who set him up to it.

"Say yes!"

The cheers from the crowd increased, as they got their phones out and started taking pictures and videos of such lovely scene,while waiting for the moment she said yes.

Kai instructed the security, that was with them, to stop everyone from taking any pictures or video, because this won't go the way Jordan planned.

He lasted.

Two weeks was a big gap,from her  other toys that she uses and disposes off like trash when she notices that they were getting attached to her.

Kai could swear that Jordan was too stupid to accept this proposal in the first place, without actually knowing who the hell he was dealing with.

Did he actually think Tiana would fall so cheaply for this?She was not a preacher of love.

But she couldn't blame her,it has always been this way for a long  time and there's nothing anyone could do, to change her view about love.

Not even her grandmother or dad has been able to calm the rebellious spoiled child of the Family.

So there's no one who can change that,the only thing they could do is pray she meets someone who she falls deeply, and insanely in love with, to stop all her silly games.

But that wasn't happening anytime soon.

Because the pretty face of Tiana,the future heiress of Hamilton Corp,was like a drug to all men,no one knows how cunning, mischievous and a headache she was, except her family.

The crowd should have gotten the idea, when the guards prohibited them from taking any video that something was wrong.

But they were too stupid or maybe  blind because what she did next gave them the idea that finally,she was finally about to agree.

Taking the glass of wine resting on their table,she approached Jordan who was smiling with all sincerity that he was finally lucky to get such a rare gem as a wife.

"I would make you the proudest woman alive if you…"Jordan's statement was cut short, by the liquor which came raining down on him instead of a yes from Tiana.

"In  your dreams stranger"She smirked,and turned to see the horrified look on everyone's face that were present in the restaurant.

Looking more at the decoration which had her name in it,she laughed hard when one of the balloons popped on cue as if it knew, it was it knew that she did not accept his proposal.

"She's heartless"A lady said,shaking her head in disbelief.

"Such a fine,young man,"Another added.

"Who wouldn't love such a lovely proposal coming from such a good looking gentleman"

"How I wish I'm  the one being proposed to"An aged woman,who turned out to be one of the workers in the restaurant, sadly said  which she didn't know was heard by the young miss.

"Aww,so sad"Tiana said,walking up to drag the woman out to stand in front of the pretending and shocked face of Jordan, who was still speechless to say anything after being humiliated like this.

"Here,I got a bride for you? how's  she?"She asked, laughing hard at Jordan's face,the woman who she introduced was too embarrassed to even raise her head up to face the man in front of her.

Kai knew the young heiress had done enough damage,  and it was of no use mocking the young man further,so she walked up to her with  a strategy to make her leave.

"Your dad is calling"She whispered to Tiana, and felt her squeezing her face more at the news which she got.

"Happy married life, to you both"She said now in a really annoyed tone, and turned to leave but Jordan held her right hand  which made Kai and  the guards attempt to rush over and stop him before he injured the young miss,but she stopped them.

"What exactly did i do wrong Kai?"Jordan asked, honest speaking he knew it made no sense for her to reject his proposal.

She couldn't have found it right?

It's just two weeks.

They had known for only two weeks for him to be madly in love with her,she's just what he wanted in a woman,yeah with the money which was promised included,but he had a thing for her.

But that had been his mistake,he loves her but he didn't know the real her.

She had played along with him, because at first,it had started of as a mere entanglement without any strings attached.

"Hello,do i know you?"Tiana asked looking at him with a smile on her face,she was not feeling remorseful for what she did.

That was embarrassing  in front of the public,but he also realized that he was the one who brought this upon himself.

But the money was worth it anyway.

"Did my grandma put you to this?"Tiana finally let the cat out of the bag,to which she could comment he was such a good actor to think she was going to fall so easily for his traps.

No normal human being would propose to someone he doesn't even know,leaving room for suspicion,which she finally got her evidence few  days ago.

Was it her dad?

No,it's definitely her grandma.

That old hag can do anything,she won't be surprised if she set him up to this.

The crocodile tears, that were on his face didn't move her,she had seen worse to let any of these move her.


"How much did he offered? I will double it"She asked, tilting her head to the side to watch something move in her eyes.


"How much am we talking about here?"Jordan asked standing up,he dropped the ring  back into his pocket while taking a handkerchief to clean his face as the gasp from the watchers filled the air.

Which irked Tiana.

"How about …"she drawled,before landing a hot slap on his face"say hi to gram's,hubby"and with that,she left the scene.

Kicking the leg of one of her guards in annoyance, that her grandma just pulled a fast one on her.

She knew all this time  but decided to play along, because in the end it will still be her that is on the winning end.

It has always been her.

Tiana Hamilton,the wild heiress.