CHAPTER THREE: Bringing The Wild Heiress Back Home.

"She figured out the plan again!"Grandma hit her right hand  down, on the  table in anger over what Tiana did and startled her daughter,Catleya.

Her son, Tiana's dad,Axel Kings was no stranger to his mother's anger,but yet,he was worried about her health likewise his sister,who touched her racing heart from her mother's outburst.

"Seriously mom,you have to calm down,you are sick for crying out loud"Catleya advised but the glare she sent her way was enough for her to shut up.

"Calm down, you say?"

Turning to Axel, who she knew was the only one who she was going to listen to at this moment,the look on his face was not convincing at all.

Both mother and son were angry at the rebellious granddaughter,which was their fault,no pun intended.

Catleya sighed,when her brother didn't say a word after knowing that his mother was not in any state, to give herself any stress.

"How did she find out so easily that it was us all along?"Her mother directed the question to Axel,who brought out his phone to show his mother it was a picture of his sister and daughter meeting up.

"It was you all along. ''Grandma shouted at her daughter, pointing accusing fingers at Catleya who rolled her eyes at her brother.

They weren't up to accepting the fact,that what they were doing was not helping the matter at all,but only giving Tiana more rights to rebel harder against the two.

She was much more disappointed at her brother,who did not treat  the girl as if she was his biological child, but only as a mere responsibilities which was as a result of his mistake.

Tiana's mother has abandoned her,just because of the stupid reasons and pressure from her mother, on the lady who she deemed was not fit for her son.

Her mother would forever continue to dictate their life,which was the reason her granddaughter was rebelling against everyone,she didn't want to end up like her dad who was not behaving the way a dad would.

She had always been the one Tiana had confided in for years, although it was such a difficult task to gain her trust.

Darm! The girl was so stubborn just like her grandmother,which was no doubt that she had the blood of the Hamilton's running through her veins.

Catleya didn't see the reason, why her mother would force her into getting married, when she wasn't ready for it.

This had been the pressure, she mounted on her son that landed him into this mess which he tagged Tiana.

Now,she was thinking of doing the same thing to the girl,and her dad was not opening up or trying to change his mom's mind towards the girl.

This was his daughter that was being talked about and not some stranger,but he's doing nothing but only supporting the idea of getting her married since she's not helping at all.

Do they think she would gladly accept this?which Catleya had forgotten so soon that her mother wasn't one who cares about people's opinion.

She would end up forcing submission out of you,but it would be hard doing that to Tiana,when she's nowhere to be seen.

She's been long gone on a vacation to Paris, which she's not planning on returning anytime soon,making things hard for her mother over here in country B.

"Mother,you are doing it all wrong and this would only help Tiana despise you and also rebel more,don't you see that?"She complained.

"Which has been you that over pampered that girl,she's done nothing but go against every one of my orders in this house"Grandma was in no way, trying to calm down and see reasons, why she had to give up and start treating Tiana like she deserves, and not some robot made for her use.

"mother,she's your only granddaughter for crying out loud!"Catleya yelled which stunned not just her mother and also  son at her outburst.


"Don't you get it?I won't be able to give you kids,and neither is Axel planning on getting married a second time,she's all you got,yet you treat her like some outsider"Catleya said, trying not to cry at the thoughts of her failed marriage as a result of childlessness.

"Oh please spare me the criticisms!we all know she has everything a stranger can't have,I gave her everything Catleya but what do i get in return? Nothing but only her rebelling against me"

"Well,that's because you didn't give her a chance to know each other,the handwriting is clear on the wall mother for you to understand,when last do you had a property conversation with your granddaughter?"

"Catleya,that's enough,I won't have you talking to …"Axel warned, when he saw something move in his mother's eyes.

The conversation was getting to her, and it won't be long before she starts blaming herself, for everything which was not good for her health.

"Oh! Shut up Axel,you are nothing better either but a useless excuse of  a dad"She faced her younger brother,who fisted his hands at her statement.

"Catleya!"He called,he was resisting himself from getting more annoyed from questioning his fatherhood when it was the truth.

He didn't know how exactly to go about getting his daughter, to give him a listening ear after everything that had happened between them.

It was his fault and not his mother,he failed her as a dad but what he won't take lightly was Catleya telling him his faults straight at his face.

"You still don't get it, do you Catleya?''Grandma asked, sitting down in her seat,with a determined look on her face for what she wanted to say.

"What exactly do you mean, that i  don't get?  aside from the fact that you are pushing that young girl to her limits, and she's fighting back?"

"Now listen Catleya,as much as i  would love to hear you all day preach to me about a failed responsibilities,you still have a long way to go about getting her  head in the game"

"I don't understand"

"I can't give the company to some daughter who had failed to grow up, what's she? A kid"Grandma asked, pointing her finger at Catleya in  a really serious manner.

"she's twenty three, and yet she doesn't intend on taking up her responsibilities as the sole owner of Hamilton corporation"

Catleya was speechless because she knew this was truth,Tiana was playing with her heritage and she didn't care,which was what her mother's anger was about.

"I will talk to her mother,she will come around"

"That's what you always say,but i don't see no results,which leads to make my final judgement"

"Mother,I don't consent to that"Axel chipped in when he understood what she was about to do.

"What judgement?"Catleya could feel something bad, was about to happen which Tiana won't like.

Seeing that her brother, was also not in approval  of what his mother was about to do,gave her the clue that something was wrong.

Ignoring her son's disapproving consent, which was not important at the moment,time was against her.

Looking at the two with a stern look on her face"Tiana would have nothing to do with the company if she doesn't get married"

"Mother!"They both called.

"Knowing who she is,I had talked it out with my lawyer and  signed my will,so this will give her the heads up that she's in for a long journey,I do hope you relay this to her Catleya,Now,you both, get out of my room"she said with finality in her tone to her children to know that there is fire on the mountain.

"Mother"Cattleya persisted.

"Get out!"She said again,this thing hitting her hand on the table to generate a deep frustrating noise.

The two siblings took one last, longing look at their mother,who they knew there was no changing her mind anytime soon.

Besides,Since she had signed her will and gave the instructions to the lawyer,there was fire on the mountain, because Tiana Estrella Hamilton was still in Paris for her vacation and was not coming back anytime soon.

Axel knew this would leave him  no choice, but to figure out another plan  on bringing the wild heiress back home to face her responsibilities,and this time,she's coming back home willingly or not.

He will make sure of that.