CHAPTER NINE: Nobody Can Stop Her From Getting A New Mom.

The laughter that came from Daisy's room was a genuine one, both father and daughter kept each other company.

The bond between the two was a real tight one,that Daisy couldn't eat and sleep until her dad returned from work, to get the complaint from her nanny  that she was waiting for him.

Damien cursed himself for keeping his angel waiting,which had turned out to be a new routine for her seeing that he's quite busy these days at work to give his attention to her.

Daisy being the smart,sweet girl she was,took it upon herself to wait for him,which was not necessary for a small kid her age to be awake till now.

"I want to hear it papa, 'Daisy requested,as Damien looked at his angel with raised brows at her request.

What does she mean by that?

He was done reading her favourite bedtime story,and had sincerely apologized for keeping her up till now, including the fact that he promised to redeem his ways.

"Hear what Angel?''He asked clumsily,to which she nearly rolled her eyes at him but decided against doing that, because he's going to reprimand her for her attitude.

"That you finally found Daisy a mommy"She blurted out,watching as the emotion on her dad's face died the moment she brought up the topic.

She's not stupid,she knew how sensitive her dad could get whenever this sort of conversation  was  brought up.

But what would you have her do?

"Angel,I thought we had this conversation yesterday?"'Damien asked, stroking her chubby cheeks while thinking of what to say,but was cut short by Daisy's words which made him wish that Nancy didn't leave her in the first place.

"My classmates made a joke  of me  today at school, ''She mumbled in a low voice,which was as a result of recalling how school today was not really that good.

"What? Who dares do that to Damien's King's Angel,tell me pumpkin, what really happened?''Damien was pissed off hearing this,this was the very first time Daisy had told him such.

Was that the reason she waited this late  for him to get back, so that she could have this conversation with him?

She was hurt.

"Is it true?"She asked further,not giving her dad any definite answers as to what she just said today about being bullied.

Her voice breaking down on the verge  of crying,and that did something to Damien seeing her like this.

As much as it sounds cringing,Damien didn't stop to think that maybe she was just acting up, or faking up lies so that she could push him to do the needful and get her a mom.

Daisy was smart,but she wouldn't think of doing that,just so because she was desperate for a mom.

"Pumpkin, you need to tell daddy what exactly happened today at school, okay?"He said,cupping her face,which he sat on her bed and she moved along to stay in his arms,which he reciprocated by wrapping his arms around her, just the way she liked.

"My classmates say mean things papa,"She spoke up,leaning more into his embrace,"They said i was not worth it that's why mommy left,is that true papa?,is th.a.."She cried,and hugged him which made Damien clench his fist real tight.

Who exactly were her classmate's to tell his angel such degrading words?

She's just a five year old,yeah,she might look too tall and smart for her age,but that doesn't mean that such words won't affect her.

What exactly do they teach kids nowadays?

"That's not true angel, you know daddy loves you right?''Damiem asked,pulling her to face him as he cleaned her face with the pad of his hands.

"Nothing in this world  is going to change the fact that you are the most precious gift to me Daisy, and i want you to remember that every single day of your life okay?"

She nodded her head in affirmation,which made Damien smile before pecking her temple.

"Now,smile for daddy"He requested,and  received a heart melting smile from his daughter,who pecked his cheeks in  a loving manner.

"I love you papa,"She confessed.

"Papa loves you too,my little angel"He affirmed, shuffling her hair while she knocked his hands off her hair in anger.

"I'm not little"She started as a matter of fact with a little bit of annoyance lacing  her tone at what he just called her.

"Don't be such a tease,you are my little angel"He insisted,which she pushed him aside,her anger setting in that it made him chuckle at how cute she looked when angry.

His princess was angry because he stated the fact that she was his little angel.seriously,Daisy is such a drama queen!

"Okay I'm sorry,you are not little Daisy",He apologized,when he saw that she was not changing her mood any time soon.

So hot tempered like her mother,no doubt.

"Papa is sorry angel"He said a second time, but got no reply from her,which left him no alternative  but to  tickle her sides which got her cackling.

",st..op itttt!"she said,attempting to get free from his embrace but he was not intending on doing that anytime  soon."okay papa, apology accepted daddyyy"She squealed,which he stopped his attack on her before placing her on the bed.

"It's bed time kiddo"He said, tucking her in,as she watched him for that,she could still feel the hurt in her dad's eyes over what she said and didn't know what to do about it.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

'Do you have a girlfriend?''She asked suddenly,and saw her dad's eyes widen that it nearly fell out of its sockets because of her question.

Who the hell is her teacher?

"Daisy kings' 'he called,maybe that was meant to be a warning,but it was not the same for Daisy.

"I just want to know daddy,what kind of mom am expecting?"She insisted,praying he tells her,so that Jessica would be wrong about his impression on her dad.

"What kind of mother do you want?"Damien asked her, suddenly enjoying the conversation with her as if he had any one in mind to get married to.

He can't believe he's here talking to his smart five year old daughter about marriage,what difference is he from her teacher?

"Daisy's kind of mother"She said,with a  smile and dreamy eyes as if she was imagining what her new mom would be like.

"I want a real mother papa, and not someone who's going to pretend to love Daisy"she replied honestly, looking into her father's eyes this time.

"And daddy would be  the Santa Claus to grant your wish angel,Daddy's going to get you a mom in three days time"He lied.

"Seriously?"She sat up,but he pushed her back down on her bed,she needed to sleep.

"Yes baby girl,now stop stressing that pretty head of yours,and go to sleep,Daddy needs to rest too"He said standing up to leave.

"Have a good night rest papa,I love you so much"

"I love you too, pumpkin"With that,he took  a last look at Daisy, who he thought was asleep,before leaving her room after he turned her bed lamp off.

Smiling to herself for a mission accomplished, she waited for some minutes to make sure her dad was playing pranks on her.

She took her phone from under her pillow and rang Jessica up,her joy knew no bounds after hearing what her dad just said.

"Daisy, what took you so long,my mommy nearly noticed that i was fake sleeping"She queried,which Daisy was not worried about.

Just like they had planned,she's getting a mommy in three days time.

Who says Daisy Kings can't convince her dad to get her a new mother?

"It worked!"She yelled over the phone in happiness, looking at her door to check if her dad might have heard her scream.

"You are such a bad kid,you know that right?You lied to your papa"Jessica preached to her as if they weren't together in this.

"Papa is stubborn Jessie,he had to know how serious i am about this"

"Congrats to you,daisy kings,time to go, mommy's on her way here"

"Bye"She said,and cut the call,not regretting what  she did at all.

She had lied to her  dad,but that had paid off.Nobody  can stop her from getting a new mom,not even her dad.