CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Daisy's favourite(Chelsea).

"Daddy! Daddy ! Daddy!"Five year old Daisy jumped down from the couch, where  she sat besides Chelsea who was busy braiding her hair, to hop into the awaiting arms of her dad that was spread widely to take her in.


How much she loved him!

"How are you doing my little angel?''Damien asked,kissing her left cheek,to which she turned her right cheeks for him to kiss too.

So cheesy.

"Of course,I'm always  fine daddy,"She exclaimed excitedly,which was as a result of  Chealsea's arrival this morning.

She loves Chelsea,and that has only been because with Chelsea she gets to learn new experiences that were always harmful for a kid like that.

Chelsea doesn't acknowledge her as a kid either, because she's way smarter than her as much as it's embarrassing  to say that though.

"But daddy.."She pouted her lips in a sad way,that made his facial expression change at the thought of something bad happening to her.

"What's it angel?"He asked, walking  over to sit down with her still in his arms on the nearby couch.

"Don't you dare you little cunning fellow"Chelsea threatened from where she was,did she  forget that Daisy was not one to keep her mouth shut where her daddy is.

The braiding of her hair was a bribe,which little Daisy was going back on her words.

And right now, she's trying to embarrass her right in front of her father.Like who the hell does that to someone who claims that she's her favourite person.

"Don't use that language while speaking to a kid",Damien warned her,before looking back at Daisy whose face expression was still the same.

"Of course,my little angel is not cunning,right sweetheart?"He asked her,to which she smiled right at that moment.

"But I'm afraid i can't tell you any longer papa?Aunt Chelsea would feel bad isn't that right?"

Daisy told him,looking at her aunt who was all smiles that she wasn't going to tell on her,after all she's her favourite buddy.

Damien knew that at that moment Daisy climbed down from his lap,that she had something else in mind. But his sister failed to realize that,because she was too dumb to know the real Daisy Kings.

"Of course sweetheart,you wouldn't want your aunt leaving anytime soon right?"Chelsea asked,looking at Daisy while giving her a signal to keep her mouth shut just like she said earlier.

"What's going on?"Damien asked.

There's no way,nothing could've happened between the two of them with the way they were acting.

He could have saved himself the stress of asking what is going on between both ladies,and look at him calling his five year daughter a lady?

If Nanny Mary had come over for today,but it has only been the two of them all at home.

"Nothing Dee, everything is a…."Chesea couldn't even wait for the question to be barely out of his lips,before cutting him short of words.

But what she didn't see coming her way,was Daisy betraying her real soon after making her believe that she wasn't going to tell on her.

"Aunt Chelsea burnt your clothes while ironing them,papa"Daisy blurted out immediately and ran away from both daddy and Chelsea's view even before they could register what just happened.

"You did what?"Damien asked, standing up while looking at Chelsea who's stuck at the very same spot but the shocked look on her face was something else.

It was fun Daisy who  bursted out into laughter  while looking at her aunt,who thought that she could ever keep things away from her dad.

No one could do that,it's not actually possible,and right  now she knew that she was definitely leaving.

Once  he knows that the house nearly caught fire today,it's definitely game   over for her.

Daisy won't tell him that too right?

She had bribed the guard who was incharge of the cctv arena,and had with the help of the others got rid of the evidence that one of his clothes caught fire while she was talking with Daisy and ironing his clothes.

Basically,this had all been Daisy's idea to convince her brother that her stay here wasn't going to bring him headaches.

Not that she forced her into ironing his favourite shirts,there's his dry cleaner who does that on a daily basis.

Yey,she had moved on ahead to start doing something she had never done ever,so that she wouldn't be sent packing to the family house.

Turning to face Daisy,who covered her mouth with her palms to hold in her laughter,she's definitely not telling that little devil her secrets anymore.

"You little…"

"What happened today Chelsea, what's Daisy talking about you and burning …"Damien faced her,there's no way his little devil would lie against her, and seeing the way she ran off after telling him what she did.

He had no other option to know that something happened in his absence,and it's all because of Chelsea.

"I didn't intentionally did it Dee, i just wanted to prove myself useful right Daisy?"Chelsea tried explaining,her heart beating loudly that she was praying for the ground to open her up and swallow her whole.

Damien's anger was something she didn't want to face right at this moment,but she knew there's no escaping that.

He wouldn't be bothered about his burnt clothes,but he would be  really annoyed when he gets into the laundry room and sees the damage she did there.

So much, for listening to Daisy's advice,and stupid of her to go out of her way to get things done,when she can't even wash her own clothes talkmore more ironing them.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Auntie"Daisy denied her instantly,she doesn't want to partake in her aunt's punishment.

Not at all.

She turned to look at her dad,"Daisy is innocent papa"She defended herself even before her dad could ask.

"What's…"Damien ignored the two and left for the laundry room to check things out for himself,but not without hearing Daisy's voice asking him to save her from Chelsea's hands.

He knew it was all a bad idea allowing Chelsea into his home, talkmore of leaving her with a smart five year old who makes use of her brain than her.

Pushing the door open,he started to cough instantly even before he could enter the room.

"What the hell!"He cursed the moment he saw the state the room was in,he didn't need anyone to tell him whose fault it was.

He needs to keep Chelsea away from his house,and from his daughter,what if the whole house went up in flames?

What if something really really bad  happened and he lost Daisy?

"Daddy!''He heard Daisy scream one more time,but a giggle followed after her screaming with Chelsea begging for his forgiveness.

Today is certainly not his best day,and what tomorrow has in store for him got him  more nervous than ever with each passing seconds.

Can things not get any worse?