With each steps that he took it led them straight to where his mother was,he wasn't worried about the fact that maybe Maya might fuck things up for him.
Adams' words seem to hit him right at that moment,as they were walking into the venue his mother had reserved tonight.
His mother was one persistent fellow,who would rather miss her rest of coming back to the country just to see his fianceè.
He glanced at the woman at his side,who kept her head straight for the prize ahead,which was nothing but filling his mother's head with lies.
It didn't feel right.
The sudden change in his composure over the fact that everything he's doing right now,was not going to help but rather add much more to his problem at hand.
It felt wrong.
Maya's hands held onto him as if she was his real fianceè,as if he was happy walking through this hallway with the happiness that he was about to introduce the love of his life to his mother.
What brought the sudden change, Damien didn't know and to hell for whatever it is that's making him feel bad that he stands a chance of introducing the woman he loves to his mother.
He couldn't lie,Adam was right but that was only on behalf of his daughter who was the sole reason, why he was striving to make things work out fine tonight.
He was right in the sense that he didn't sit, to think of what tomorrow would bring after introducing Maya to his mother. What if she persists to see her again?
He knew his mother better that she wasn't one to be impressed that easily,and for Instance.if there was a chance that he had found someone willing to be his fianceè,without having to bother about his mother finding out that she was fake.
His mother wouldn't easily welcome the female with open arms, as long as she wasn't the one that found the woman herself.
For the fact that he gave her the privilege, to think that she could control him into thinking that he would do every she says,was only because he respects her as his mother.
There's no woman alive that could have him behave this way with her, without facing the consequences to think that Damein kings would stoop too low to care about them.
Those days were gone,they were far gone with Nancy taking all of it with her.The bitch really did a lot to him and that alone was enough reason for him to keep his head straight, and stop feeling remorseful for what he's about to do.
There's nothing remorseful about this,he was only doing what he thinks is the best for him and Daisy right now.
Yes,his mother would be really mad at him when she finds out that he too, was going against her wishes just like Chelsea did.
But that would buy him enough time to get the perfect woman who is willing enough to play the role of his fianceè and a mother for Daisy.
He looked up to find a pretty lady who was already waiting outside to welcome them in.. She's probably his mother's new assistant and she was a beautiful sight to see.
But his description of her looking beautiful,was her crying and moaning his name as he fucks her real good that she won't be able walk for days.
But her being his mother's secretary was a turn off for him,No!
He can't have a spy in his house, and in his life right now.His mother was not to be underestimated….not at all.
"Welcome Mr kings,your mother is waiting right inside"Jessica said with a bow,she couldn't help but notice the way he was undressing her with his eyes.
She couldn't help but understand the reason why his mother was so worked up, when matters about him were concerned.
He's a playboy, and definitely not her type. She was looking forward to seeing his assistant with him, but sadly he wasn't here with him today.
She turned abruptly after he face her, a slight nod of his head as approval for her to move along,for some reason she didn't look at the female by his side.
The door was opened up, and Damien was sure he heard Maya take in some air into her lungs the moment they saw his mom.
"My Baby!"She cried.
She looked dashing as always, and was always full of energy amidst her age.
He was pulled in for a bone crushing hug,luckily Maya had detangled her hand from his arms while letting the son and mother enjoy the moment.
"Mom"He rubbed her back lovingly,with a smile on his face that she was hale and healthy. Her trip back to the country was a successful one, regardless of her presence here that wasn't favourable for him.
"You look beautiful as ever"He complimented, as the two broke the hug while she smiled brightly at him with her eyes accessing her son.
"Well thank you,you don't look bad either"She complimented back,while rubbing his cheeks in a manner that would have him complain every time she did that about her treating him like a kid.
Which was no joke,He's still her baby boy regardless of him having grown up and having a child too.
Something else,or someone else caught her eyes and she moved over to admire the female who was standing besides her son with a smile on her face that she could tell was forced.
"Well! what do we have here…."She trailed on, watching Maya with those scrutinizing eyes of hers that always have people on edge, for having such a good eye that could read people too well.
As it goes the same for the lady who looked rather familiar,but she was too busy to figure out what exactly had her feeling too tense than to care about the reason why she looks familiar.
She knew her son too well,that he couldn't have gone to the slums and got a pauper in the name of a princess for her.
He knew better than to disgrace the family name by doing that,he already has stirred enough reaction and attention to the public, by depriving himself of the wife that everyone female out there would humbly strive to be noticed by him.
He was quick to pull the young lady to his side that she mistook as a mute,which she would blame her son for not being such a gentleman to introduce his girl to her.
"Mom… I want you to meet Maya Rodriguez,My fianceè"He said, making the act more believable by taking her hands into his,before turning to the flushed Maya.
"Meet my mom, sweetheart"With a smile,that didn't reach his face either because she was losing control and his mother could see that this was all an act.
Adam was right.
What was he actually thinking that she could do this?
She was no actress,but a model.
But she did what he didn't expect, and that surprised his mother too.
"It's nice to meet you mom"She said, walking up to peck his mother's cheeks,as her eyes widened while looking straight at him.
I like her.
She mouthed to him.
Was that supposed to calm him down,and keep his mind off what she planned for him, and the supposed fianceè?
Yes,it did.
He smiled back at her.
Maya stepped back, glancing at him because his mother didn't say anything back to her,she was afraid she might have failed him.
"I like you"Andromeda said, allowing the both of them to give themselves those smiles that didn't warm her heart.
The feeling wasn't there.
The connection she felt when she met her late husband's parents, and that annoyed her terribly because he too chose to fail her just like his sister.
Does he think this was a joke or what?
Well,since he thinks she's a fool who would blindly trust him,she would show him how it feels like to be fooled by a fool.
Ignoring his son,she took the young lady's hands before dragging her to the table which was prepared, to host her and her stupid fake fiance.
"Now,I want to hear you tell me how the love story started.Lets hear how the beauty tamed the beast"She smirked evily, dragging her but not without seeing the look on her son's face.
This is just getting interesting day by day!