CHAPTER FOURTY-ONE:Were They Dating Secretly?

"When will he be awake?''Andromeda asked Doctor Sam,with an unreadable expression on her face while watching from outside as her son slept.

Moments ago after hearing that he was involved in an accident rendered her speechless.

Firstly,she was petrified and was so scared of hearing the full details of how it all happened, because her mind was already telling her that it was her fault.

That she caused it,in the sense that she knew that he wouldn't sit and watch her threaten him using Maya.

But after hearing and watching the news,this has nothing to do with him looking for a way to help Maya out of the situation.

He was involved with the granddaughter of Hamilton corporation,which alone made it clear to her that her son was cooking something without her knowledge.

Yet,she didn't know if he was one foolish man to always have his life threatened at every slightest case.