CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX:She's...Not Wearing The Necklace.

The front door was pushed open,and an annoyed looking Catrina walker into the sitting room to find Jerry already waiting for her.

But he was not alone,there stood hers son whose face was the last thing she wanted to see right now,and a surprised Catleya who stared between her and Jerry.

It was very obvious that he was here on an important mission,she only let him in when things were messed up to the point that she would require the assistance of an ex-convict.

A murderer that's who he was,her mother hired some criminal to do her dirty deeds,and just watching him in here in the house gave her creeps.

Jerry was… complicated.

He's Kai's brother.

Accolades to her mother for taking him out of the streets too,not after Tiana had found Kai.Maybe it was the fact that he was some nutcase,who is willing to do anything for the woman who saves him from going to jail a fifth time.