CHAPTER SIXTY-EIGHT:Do You Want To Swap Identities With Me?

There were a lot of things that Tiana would be proud of that she hasn't done in her life,and one of those things was what the bitch right in front of her was doing right now.

Fighting for the love of a man.

That's the last thing on earth she would ever stoop too low to do,if she has nothing worthwhile to do with her time,she might as well watch Netflix and sleep throughout the whole day.

Than to have such a stupid imagination, that there was any way a man who says he's inlove with you,would leave you when money is involved.

She didn't have the chance to have any siblings, although who knows what may occur in the future,but if she ever had one and she turned out to be so lame minded like the woman right in front of her.

She will beat the love out of her, because what Selina was doing right now was nothing, that was going to be of help to her or Alexander either.