CHAPTER NINETY: Cold Feets Before The Wedding.

"I still think you need to get some rest my lady,you have a big day ahead tomorrow"Kai reminded her,and that only ended up with her frowning at the thought of the wedding tomorrow.

She didn't know what it was about Kai that made her still have her at her side, working as her personal assistant and caretaker when she doesn't understand her at all.

Clearly, everyone knew that she was in a foul mood today,it wasn't any secret anymore among everyone, especially the maids that always find every little chance to gossip about her forced marriage with Alexander.

Her mood was dampened.

Yet,Kai being the not so insightful someone she was, could stop indirectly talking about the anticipated wedding of the year infront of her.

Right now,she's confused about what exactly it is she wants from her,the next minute she acts like she's on her side and then after some seconds,she acts just like mini Catrina.