He has another child?

A son!!

Kai retracted her steps,as the weight of finding out what Axel had been keeping to himself for long was too much for her to carry.

She felt her heart tightening ,that it was too difficult for her to breathe suddenly when she really realized what this meant.

She walked away briskly,in a bit to get away from where the discussion was being held,there was no need of her staying to listen to more.

The little she heard had done a whole lot,she had had her suspicions about him when she had eavesdropped on his conversation with Catleya.

Tiana knew nothing about that,hell no she didn't let her mistress know what was going on back then, because she wanted to find the full evidence before she let her know too.

He has a son from another woman?

A grandson for Catrina!

Where does that place Tiana now?