"How much time do i have left?"Lady Catrina asked Doctor Jane,who held in a sob but her facial expression made it known to the old lady about what's going through her mind.


She was dying,at a very fast rate and the drugs and the sickness weren't much help anymore.She was barely alive due to a miracle,just like Doctor Jane has said.

No one knew.

Absolutely no one.

How could she tell any of them that she was going to die soon,well it's pretty obvious that they were praying for her to die instantly,and not soon.

Besides,she had caused her family a whole lot of pain that she knew even in her next life, she's going to pay for what she has done, especially to Tiana.

But it was hard for her to breathe,when she realized that soon she would be leaving this world.

Others might probably take this as a sort of greediness on her part,eighty six years of living was no joke and here she was feeling bad about leaving so soon.