"I still don't see the reason why you will be craving ice cream this late,but here it is,"Damien complained,but after that he handed over the bag containing the ice cream to her.

She snatched the bag away from his hands,not willing to pay any heed to his murmurings while this was what he signed up for when he decided to date her.

A bright smile settled on her face,when she took a snoop at the flavor which he had gotten for her.

"Are you that happy?"He asked, watching her with admiration while his hands were on the steering of his car that was parked in front of her house.

It was no big deal when he had rushed to her house yesterday, after hearing the news of her passing out.

But it was a big deal when he had woken up by her call this late in the night,with her demanding for ice cream.

Ice cream?

Like who the hell craves for such junk that late in the night,well nobody but the woman he was in love with.

Tiana Hamilton.