"Hey handsome", Chelsea said over the phone, while cuddling Little Daisy in her arms while she slept.
She had bawled her eyes out at the disturbance downstairs with her dad,and also for Tiana's absence from lunch today.
What made matters worse, was the fact that her father hadn't come up to check up on her,after what had transpired between him and her downstairs.
It only made matters worse, because for a little kid her age,she could understand adult affairs like no one her age could do.
She had earlier told her that her father and Tiana were fighting,that's why she didn't show up for dinner and likely the fault was from her father, seeing the look on his face when he saw her.
Nevertheless, Chelsea was exhausted with trying to keep the five year old from overthinking,and making something else out of the situation.
She had fallen asleep in her arms,and held her like she didn't want anyone to separate the both of them.