CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE:I Will Try To Be A Better Man For Your Sake.

He sat beside her,and watched her sleep all through the night.Of course,she had no idea that she had company, who stayed up all night just to keep watch on her.

Damien didn't want to let her father's words get to him,but with the look on Kai's face yesterday night,he knew that whatever it was Axel was saying was the truth.

She wanted to kill herself,but why?

Was it because of me?

He thought out loudly, holding onto her palm as if he was worried if he looked away, she wouldn't be here with him anymore.

The evidence on her wrists added more to what he had said about him being the reason why she's here, Tiana nearly committed suicide because of him.

What would have happened if no one had been there on time to save her?

It's all my fault!

You nearly killed her Damien, someone nearly died because of you!