CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN: Their Story Would Become A Forgotten Tale To Tell.

Everything happened so fast, and it was beyond his control. Damien couldn't have imagined that Nancy keeping a low profile after he had threatened her, was just so she could come up with a much better plan.

Kidnapping Daisy. Her own blood.

He didn't waste any time driving down to the location she sent to him, she has asked for Tiana to tag along but he would be only but a fool to do that. He can't risk losing both of them, especially today.

Today was supposed to be special to him and Tiana, but he had left with her crying and trying to open the car door, so that she could tag along with him. But he instructed his mother to keep a strong eye on her, she's smart. She could come after him.

Adam has his men on standby, and he knows what to do if he doesn't come back in the next twenty minutes he has left. Damien shared his location to him, and Axel, who had consulted the help of the police.