After waking up the next day, everybody had seen the changes in Thornir's body which looked to be more healthy than it previously was since before it looked a little malnourished, but now it looks like he is a completely new person.
While everybody was observing Thornir's body, Thornir himself was feeling like he was just reborn into a new person, since now his skin is more clear and his body felt more powerful.
He wanted to test whether if with this stronger body did his magic power increase, so held his hand up and conjured a fireball in his hand.
And what happened next brought a smile to his face, since the fireball was floating on top of his hand and he didn't feel that much of a drain on his body as it did before.
The others were also surprised, since Thornir had suddenly created a fireball in his hand, but nobody was surprised since they had gotten used to seeing Thornir do some strange things.
Now with his new body, Thornir felt that he should start the process of building up his clan and the first thing he needs to do is to train his current members.
Unfortunately, only Val and Dalla had the aptitude for magic while the other three boys didn't, but they could still become skilled warriors. And since they were young, they would be able to learn more skills and teaching them would be easy for him.
After that, Thornir had decided to stay inside the stone structure he created and use it as their temporary base for a few years before they decided to find somewhere else. Plus, he didn't want to risk being attacked while they were looking for a place to settle when they could just stay inside the stone structure.
He can create a doorway at any time to leave the Stone structure and search for food and water.
Those were the only two things that Thornir had planned to do, besides find more members to join his clan.
And so for the next three years, Thornir had trained Val and Dalla in magic while Stygard, Aranir, and Thorell were trained in hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons.
He had Dalla and Val train in the same thing too so that they won't have to depend so much on their magic, but he mainly had them focus on the magic, but that proved to be useless.
After nearly three years of training, both Dalla and Val had made little progress in their magic abilities.
Val who was being taught ice magic, and water magic hadn't even begun to manifest her own magic and had to use the ice and water from her surroundings. She wasn't even able to maintain control over her magic for long periods of time, and had experienced fatigue quicker than expected.
And Learning ice and water magic was actually one of the easiest magic's to learn compared to the ones that Dalla had been learning, which was fire and lightning. It was a weird combination, but a powerful one at that, and also very hard to learn.
Dalla just like Val had to draw the fire from either the campfire or from a torch since she couldn't create her own and as for lightning well she couldn't even use that since she had nowhere to draw it from.
Because of this, Thornir had a theory that they probably would need to undergo a change just like he did in order for them to be able to use their magic more efficiently, but he had no idea when that was going to happen so for now he limited their magic training and had them focus on using weapons instead.
As for Aranir, Stygard and Thorell, well their training was quite easy since they were focusing on their physical ability which is something they can control, unlike Val and Dalla's magic ability.
Thornir had taught some of Earth's combat training to them, improving their bodies, which looked quite healthy now, but they could still be easily beaten by a random wildling attacker or a man of the Night's watch.
They still had some years before they could become skilled and be able to venture out and start traveling the land.
As for Thornir, he has been experimenting and learning new magic for three years, so he has a great arsenal of abilities that he can use at such a young age. He also noticed that small objects such as knives couldn't Pierce his skin, but larger weapons could.
As for his clan, they have all grown closer to each other every day, forming a close bond between the 6 of them.
Val and Dalla especially since they always sleep next to Thornir and refuse to sleep on their own. Thornir had tried to sneak away, but they would always wake up and move to where he was and lay right back down next to him.
So Thornir just gave up and decided to just leave it alone.
Meanwhile, somewhere beyond the wall, the Thenns have been attacking other Wildling clan's and stealing their resources.
Almost 5 clan's have been destroyed by the Thenn's before they left back to their village. Now surviving members of those villages are wandering around the forest looking for somewhere safe to hide from the danger's of the forest.
Some found villages that accepted them, while others weren't so lucky and died from starvation or a wild animal.
The local rivalry between the massive number of clan's is detrimental to the Wildling's or the Free Folk since their numbers are decreasing as the amount of births is not more than the death's.
But soon in another 15-20 years someone would bring all the clans together and unite all the freefolk under a single clan.