After Thornir and his clan had basically robbed the Innkeeper and the 6 men that attacked them, they had asked around for a nearby shop that was selling clothes.
And after a few minutes they were pointed in the direction of a good clothes shop, so they went there and purchased some clothes for themselves.
Luckily, the clothes store actually had some leather clothes that Thornir and his clan could buy for around 40 Coins of Braavos.
Now Thornir had around 90 Coins of Braavos left, and he wanted to purchase some armor and what better place to buy some armor then Qohor which was known for its armor which is seen as superior to the armor made in Westeros. They are capable of infusing a deep color into the metal with beautiful results.
Thornir doesn't know exactly how much armor would cost for all of them, but he was sure that they didn't have enough for all of them, especially since they spent 40 Coins on buying some new clothes.
But he can just find a way for them to make some money.
So after buying the clothes, Thornir and his clan headed for their small boat and left Braavos and headed towards Pentos then from there they will head towards Norvos then Qohor.
Once they left Braavos it didn't take them long to reach Pentos as they made it within 2 days using magic.
Unlike Braavos Pentos wasn't separated by hundreds of islands and instead was just one city. Pentos was also the Rival of Braavos as they have gone to war against each other over Slavery which was happening in Pentos, but recently slavery was abolished by Braavos after their recent victory in the Braavos-Pentos War which ended in Pentos defeat.
Be even then Pentos still found a way to have slaves by instead calling them 'free bond servants' which are just slaves with a different name.
Pentos is also ruled by a Prince who has no real power over the city as the Magister's of the most influential family rules the city while the Prince is just a figurehead elected by the 40 families of Pentos.
Once Thornir docked his ship in the port of Pentos he and his clan left to explore the city of Pentos which was quite beautiful since like Braavos the Pentoshi are great lovers of song, and generous with those who please them.
Thornir has stopped in one of the Inn's of Pentos where he was surprised that they accepted the Coin's of Braavos here. So he brought him and his group some drinks and food while they talked with each other at their own table that they were sitting at.
Val and Dalla had attracted a lot of attention from some of the nearby people, since with their new Leather clothes they were looking even sexier than before, but Val and Dalla only had eyes for one person.
Stygard and Thorell had seen these men staring at Val and Dalla who they consider their sister's and had started giving those men the side eyes, causing some of them to look away and continue their own conversation's.
While they were sitting there talking, a Figure who had here face covered had approached Thornir's table.
"Excuse me travelers, my name is Melina Baerraan, and I was wondering if you could help me get to the city of Qohor and in exchange my father who is quite rich will give you a good reward for returning me" Said the figure who approached the table
Thornir and his clan had already stopped what they were talking about and heard what the figure said.
"How much are we talking about and who is your father" Said Thornir as he didn't know if this girl was lying or not, but he still decided to play along if she was
Melina looked around before she leaned in and started Whispering "It would be dangerous to discuss it here since many people are looking for me, but he is a Magister of Qohor, and he will pay handsomely for my safe return"
Thornir looked at his clan before he whispered as well "What do you guys think should we help her"
Thorell was the first to speak, "Well we are heading in that direction, and it wouldn't hurt to bring along an extra person"
"True and if by chance what she says is not true then we can always just kidnap here or turn her over to whoever is chasing her" Said Val
Everybody else nodded in agreement "Okay I guess it's settle then Melina we leave in a couple of hours, so you can sit here and wait with is or meet us back here around noon" Said Thornir
Melina nodded and thanked them before she sat down on the empty seat across from Thornir and next to Stygard.
For the next 2 hours, Thornir had remained in the Inn before they left the city on foot and headed for Norvos.
Along the way they encountered a caravan who offered them a ride, so they took it and now their trip would be Shorter.