The year was 286 AC 2 years after the end of the Rebellion which brought about the downfall of the Targaryen Dynasty. People expected life to be good now that a New King was on the Throne, but really it was all the same besides the killing of innocent people by the King.
Kings Landing used to be filled with the screams of people who were being killed by the former King's knight's, but now it is different as a sense of Law and Order has been established in the city.
But just like any city there were many parts of the city where people broke the law just because they wanted to.
But besides that people went about their daily lives either struggling to survive in this big city or working all day to provide for their family.
So nothing really changed since the new King took over besides that fact that they don't have to fear getting burned alive by the King.
A lot of people in the city have lost friends and family to the former King who burned them alive suspecting them of treason. So when the Rebellion kicked off they naturally supported it secretly but couldn't do it openly since Kingslanding was still under the control of the Mad King.
But once the City was conquered by Robert in a long siege many started to cheer as the Young Lord walked through the city. Now that they were free they could openly support the Rebellion without fear of getting burned alive.
And then once the Civil war was over and Robert Became King many didn't question whether or not he was a good choice for king instead they were just glad to have somebody different from the Mad King.
But even then after 2 years their life is still the same as before as many struggled to make a living.
And Just when everyone thought their problems were over the IronBorn were starting to make some strange movement's on the Iron Islands.
Ever since the End of the Rebellion Balon Greyjoy has felt that the Current Lord's of the Seven Kingdoms were not as Loyal to King Robert as they were to the Targaryen's. Because of this he planned to make himself King and proclaim independence, but first he must prepare which will take a few years.
The Iron Island's now wouldn't be able to resist the full fury of the Seven Kingdoms so Balon wanted to spend a few year's building more ships to prepare for the battle ahead.
But leaving the matter of the Ironborn aside in Kings Landing Prince Joffrey, the firstborn son between Cersei Lannister and King Robert Baratheon, has just turned 1 years old.
Of course as we all know the Child is not Robert Baratheon's but is instead the offspring of Cersei Lannister and her Brother Jaime Lannister.
Joffrey was conceived in the year 285 AC as King Robert visited Estermont, Robert's kin, for a fortnight, along with the royal court, including Jaime Lannister.
This is the time that Cersei laid with her brother and conceived Joffrey Baratheon on the same day. Nobody knew the truth of the matter besides Cersei and Jaime and because of the pregnancy it calmed down the realm ensuring that the Baratheon dynasty would be able to continue.
The year 285 AC also brought about the birth of 5 of Lord Walder Frey's children. So besides the birth of Joffrey Baratheon the year 285 AC was a year to recover from the Rebellion.
But still in the year 286 AC the problems were still the same and only little improvements were made.
Back to the current year of 286 AC Thornir had been receiving reports of a lot of activity near the wall where the former Castle Black was located. But because of the height of the wall the scout's couldn't see what was happening and only see the increased number of people on top of the wall.
So Thornir decided to go and take a look for himself. So instead of going through the center and attracting a lot of attention Thornir traveled to Shadow Tower where he used the camouflage of the snow to sneak past the Garrison of the Castle.
After sneaking past the Garrison the rest of the way was pretty easy as he made his way to the center of the wall.
But what he noticed as he traveled was that there were additional castle's on the wall that were manned by people. He knew that this must be some of the 600 people that were sent to the wall.
He could tell that most of them were trained warrior's and some former Knight's that fought on the wrong side in the Rebellion. If the situation beyond the wall was different then this would be a problem for the Free Folk but considering the circumstances now they didn't need to worry.
After a few minutes of using his wind magic to dash through the snow he had arrived at the center of the wall.
And what was in front of him wasn't surprising in the least since Castle Black was the main castle for the Night's watch and with its disappearance they had lost a lot of crucial knowledge of the past both about the history of the Night's Watch and the History of the thing's beyond the wall.
So naturally because of this they would try and rebuild Castle Black to somewhat of a working condition to where hundreds of people could train and stay.
In front of Thornir was a makeshift fort filled with hundreds of people. Some were working on the fort creating walls and more tent's for the people to sleep until a proper stone house was built. Then there were people training in a massive open space which Thornir figured must be the Courtyard.
It was interesting to Thornir to watch as the men worked their hardest to rebuild the Castle from the ground up fueled with the motivation to keep the Free Folk on the other side of the wall.
He wondered just how deep this hatred for each other was, since to truly hate a group of people they must have done some pretty harsh things to deserve it. But it could also be just the fact that for centuries the Night's Watch and the Free Folk people have been fighting each other.
As a result this hatred has been passed down from generation to generation increasing as the centuries went on.
But as a person with a Modern Mindset Thornir thought that to truly hate a group of people is just too much since in some situation's your enemies can become your Best friend's depending on the circumstances.
Now what the Night's Watch did by attacking the Free Folk city did provide Thornir with some insight since it showed that the Night's Watch didn't want them to start coming together in fear of an attack.
So instead they just opted to try and destroy the city, splitting up the free folk once again to prevent a future attack.
But just as Captain America said in his previous life "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts innocent people die".
Thornir liked this quote since it reflected exactly what the Night's Watch did. It was also the truth since trying to prevent something from starting can actually become more difficult than stopping it when it actually happens.
For the Modern world that may have mixed results but in medieval times the results were always the same.
Innocent people die.