It has been 2 Months since the Assassination attempt on Thornir. The Assassin in question has been executed in front of the thousand's of Free Folk after she had been stoned and beaten. And then when she was on the brink of death Thornir healed her and repeated the process over and over again until all the people had gotten their turn.
Then after healing about 50 times he finally let the wolves eat here for her final moments.
It was a gruesome scene that Thornir didn't show everybody, instead he dragged her off somewhere else since there were kids watching from the crowd of people.
After she was dead Thornir had met with Stygard about preparation for an attack on the Iron Bank.
Stygard was not surprised to hear this since after what happened with the Assassin Thornir will surely want to get some revenge against the Iron Bank.
"Well in these two months since the Assassination attempt we have gotten a lot more people who joined to become a warrior in the army, so the number of people increased from 20k to about 40k but because of that number we don't have that many weapon's on hand to arm all those people, so we have had to put in a special order to all the Blacksmiths to meet the required number of weapon's, armor, and such" Explained Stygard
"So in about another Month or so we will have met our army demands and should be able to head to Braavos to attack the Iron Bank" Said Stygard
"Perfect then we can leave the new recruits here at the city and take the 20k warriors with us to attack the Iron Bank since they won't have enough time to even prepare for our attack" Said Thornir.
"The men are eager for a battle so that they can put their skills to the test against real enemies and show them that the Free Folk are not just savages" Said Stygard
"Oh we will show them alright especially when we rob them of some of their money they will not know what hit them" Said Thornir as he started laughing at the thought of stealing some of their money.
Not that they needed the Money, but it had its uses in the World.
He also had to be careful since after attacking the Iron Bank they won't sit idly by, and they will counter-attack.
As much as Thornir would like to just take the Iron Bank for himself he knows that he will make a great deal of enemies by doing that, and he will also place himself in a difficult situation as he will have to defend the Iron Bank from attackers.
That would be the most difficult part since once the Iron Bank falls they will call upon their allies and use their connection to gather an army to take back the Iron Bank.
Thornir estimated that the number of people that the Iron Bank could gather was more than a hundred thousand and not to mention ships which would be in the thousand's.
So not only will they be outnumbered by a lot they will also be surrounded with no escape, and he didn't want to risk using the limited number of magic user's that he had.
So this attack will be more like a hit-and-run on the Iron Bank. Once he had done this the Iron Bank would most likely hire mercenaries to attack Hardhome which would be in Thornir's favor since they had a lot of defenses that would deter any attackers from both land and sea.
Still the number of enemies that Thornir will have in the future will be a great many so in order to offset the imbalance he will call for a mandatory conscription to create a standing army of at least 60k and a Navy of at least 300 ships.
With those number's he will be able to challenge most Kingdom's and any of the Free Cities.
"So all we are going to do is Rob them" Asked Stygard
"Yep because if we do anything else it will be dangerous for us to stay longer since the Iron Bank has a lot of people on it's side and has some powerful people, But those powerful people only wield power because of their money and influence and once their money is gone so does their influence" Explained Thornir. It was true though as all the Iron Bank had was a lot of money, connections, and influence.
Influence which they have used throughout the centuries to influence other Cities, and other important events in History such as the Rebellion which put King Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne.
"I see, so we should make sure to take a lot of their money so that we can weaken them and their influence around the World" Said Stygard
"Oh we will don't worry but in the meantime I want you to get everybody prepared for this long trip and the battle ahead" Said Thornir to Stygard
"Alright then I will increase the training of the army to prepare them for this battle also Thorell wanted to speak with you about something and said to meet him at the Blacksmith's workshop" Said Stygard
"Do you know what for" asked Thornir
"He said something about a new invention involving that Gunpowder or something"Replied Stygard
"Ohhh this should be interesting than" Said Thornir
Stygard didn't have anything else to say, so he left while Thornir went to the Blacksmiths Workshop to see about this new invention.