The Runaways

It has been a week since the Night's Watch attacked Thornir. The army under Thornir has been preparing itself for this battle as Thornir has waited for the production of the Cannons to finish.

In one week of non-stop hard work the blacksmiths have managed to build 50 cannons for use in the war.

These Cannons would be used to destroy the Center of the wall and also the Archers on top of the wall to limit the casualties that they will take.

In this week the army has also seen a massive increase in recruits from the initial 30k to 60k most of which were being trained and would not participate in the battle. Thornir didn't want to just throw people who didn't know how to properly fight into war, so they will train for a few months first before they get into battle.

And after a few months he was sure that he will still be fighting in a War since there is a chance that the North will get involved in the War or some of the other 7 Kingdoms. But Thornir wouldn't be on the Offensive for the Entire War instead he planned to just take all the Castle's on the wall.

In the beginning of the war he planned to take Castle Black and hold it for a Few Months until the recruits get done training, then once they are done he will have them split up and take the Castle on the wall killing the rest of the Night's Watch men and any other soldier's in the Process.

He didn't plan on expanding into the north since that was just too much territory to hold, and he didn't want to deal with the other repercussions that come with doing that.

After he takes all the Castle's on the wall that would be it besides hunting down all the remnants of the Night's Watch.

This time he would not be merciless with them and let them live like he did the first time. And as much as he liked the Night's Watch in his previous life, having been living in this new life on the other side of the wall he now knew the harsh treatment that the Free Folk were receiving despite just trying to survive.

This was the situation Beyond the Wall.

Now at Winterfell Lord Eddard Stark was wondering when the King beyond the wall was going to show up since it had been a more than two weeks since he said he would meet with him.

Winterfell at the moment wasn't aware of the situation at the Wall nor of the impending war as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch have not informed them of what was happening nor has he called for help since he believed that they could defend the Wall against the Free Folk.

However, just as he was thinking about what was going on a guard had knocked on his door.

"Come in" Ordered Lord Stark

The soldier walked in and bowed "My Lord, we have captured 5 men of the Knight's watch who have fled the wall"

Lord stark sighed upon hearing this "Bring me my sword and prepare some horses" Ordered Lord Stark.

The Guard bowed and left to carry out his Lord's tasks.

Some minutes later and Lord Stark along with about 15 other men left the castle to the place where the captured knights watch men were being held.

Upon arriving at the location Lord Stark saw 5 men who were tied down awaiting their trial.

"My Lord these are the 5 we caught trying to run" said one of the soldier's

Lord Stark got off of his Horse with his sword and walked up to the 5 men "Why are you running from the wall" Asked Lord Stark

"My Lord we are running from the war that the Lord Commander Started" Said one of the Captured men

"A War what War has been Started" Asked Lord Stark

"The King Beyond the wall was travelling through the center of the wall past Castle Black to come and meet with you My Lord, but once he passed the Gate the Night's Watch ambushed him hoping to get revenge for what happened to Castle Black before even if it was not true that he destroyed it, Then there was also the fact that the Night's Watch didn't want to allow savages to pass through the Wall even if they were meeting with the Lord of Winterfell.

But the King beyond had somehow formed an ice wall between him and the Night's Watch and made his escape back towards the other side of the wall" Explained the Captured Men

"Then how do you know a War is about to happen" asked Lord Stark since as far as he is concerned the Wildlings don't have a proper army to attack the Wall that is now garrisoned by more than 1k me of the Night's Watch

"Lord Stark we are some of the few survivors of the Original Castle Black, the ones who spread the rumor about the King Beyond the Wall and have personally met him face to face, and we know what he is capable of especially after the first attack on Hardhome" Explained the Captured Men

"The First Attack, so you guys attacked hardhome before" Asked Lord Stark since now he was confused and felt like he didn't know much about what happened.

"Yes the reason for Castle Black being destroyed was because the Last Lord Commander gathered around 300 men to attack Hardhome and split up the Wildlings, but the men never returned instead one person came back, and it wasn't men of the Night's Watch but the King Beyond the Wall himself had come.

We didn't even have a chance to fight back as he ran up the wall at inhuman speeds and once at the top he jumped all the way down and destroyed the entire castle while leaving those up on the Wall alive to tell people the story of what happened" Explained the captured Men

One of Lord Stark's soldier started laughing "Excuse me My Lord, but this is crazy talk, one person ran up the massive wall, jumped over and just destroyed the castle just like that, it sounds like crazy talk to me My Lord" Said one of the soldiers.

"Crazy Talk! You weren't even there to see what we saw it was like a Demon had descended into the World" Said one of the Captured men as they tried to stand up to fight the soldier who was laughing at them.

But since he was tied down he could do nothing.

"It does sound like crazy talk that part about the King beyond the wall climbing the wall and destroying Castle Black, but the fact remains that the Lord Commander has tried to attack a guest of mine is quite dishonorable, so I will go and have a talk with him after this" Said Lord Stark as he motioned for his men to put them in position

"It's better than having to fight in that war against the Demon" Said one of the captured men as they laid their heads on the rock and prepared to get their heads chopped off.

"You made an oath no matter the circumstances, and you abandoned that oath leaving all your brothers behind to fight" Said Lord Stark as he chopped their heads off one by one.

After that Lord Stark returned to Winterfell and sent a raven to Castle Black asking the Lord Commander if what he just heard from those runaways were true.